Arlington Family Lawyer
Family Lawyer Arlington, VA
Regardless of which spouse made the decision, if your marriage is ending, you are likely considering retaining the services of a skilled divorce attorney to help you navigate through this complicated and emotional process.
There are some things you should keep in mind when beginning your search for a family. One of the most important is the type of lawyer you hire. There are many areas of law that attorneys can practice in, but each area has its own critical components that – if not adhered to – can result in a less than favorable outcome.
To put this in perspective, compare this to finding a physician. When you have a particular health issue, you seek out a doctor who specializes in that area. If you were having issues with your heart, you would go see a cardiologist because that is their area of specialty. You would not go see a dermatologist because, although they are a medical doctor, their expertise is about the skin.
The same is true with lawyers. If you are going through a divorce, you want a lawyer who is well-versed in the dissolution of marriage laws in your state. A lawyer whose entire practice focuses on personal injury may be a skillful lawyer, but they probably are not as knowledgeable about family law as they are about injury law.
The best way to find a divorce lawyer is to ask friends and family for referrals and go online to check out different client reviews. Once you have your prospects in mind, prepare a game plan that includes a series of interview questions to ensure you are hiring the best family or divorce lawyer to handle your case.
Table Of Contents:
- Common Types of Disputes that We Handle
- A Family Lawyer for Child Custody
- Types of Child Custody
- Separation and Divorce
- Custody and Visitation
- 3 Tips for a Smooth Custody Exchange
- Legal and Informal Separation – The Basics
- Considerations for Separated Couples
- Alimony During and After Divorce
- Types of Alimony
- What Should Virginians Include in a Prenuptial Agreement?
- Arlington Family Law Infographic
- FAQs About Child Custody
- What Does the Court Consider in Determining Whether to Award Alimony?
- Common Arlington Divorce Mistakes
- The Benefits of Mediation
- Questions To Ask Perspective Arlington Family Lawyer
- Contact May Law, LLP, Family Lawyer Arlington, VA to Answer Your Family Law Questions
Common Types of Disputes that We Handle
The legal team at our Arlington VA family law firm conducts mediation sessions on a frequent basis. We have successfully helped to reconcile family disputes through mediation for issues pertaining to:
- Divorce
- Legal separation
- Child custody
- Child support
- Temporary orders
- Asset and property division
- Allocation of debts
- Spousal maintenance/ support
- Relocation
- Parenting plan modifications
- Modifications
- Post-dissolution disputes
A Family Lawyer for Child Custody
What might scare any parents most, after a divorce, is worrying about what will happen to their children. As a family lawyer in Arlington, VA, we, at May Law, LLP hear many concerns from parents, such as:
- What if I don’t get much time with my child?
- Will I still be able to be the parent I want to be?
- Will my child be negatively impacted?
- How can I make sure they are okay?
These concerns are normal for any mom or dad, and particularly important to think about during a child custody battle, or pre-agreement. We know that many parents struggle to think about these things and worry about what the future may hold. Most parents, do not want the decision of child custody to end up in the hands of a judge. However, when an arrangement cannot be reached, this will happen. To avoid this, it may help to have a family lawyer in Arlington, VA on your side. By making this decision, you can feel peace of mind in knowing your rights will be protected, while at the same time, your child’s interests will be put first.
If you are a parent and facing a child custody issue, call a family lawyer in Arlington, VA from May Law, LLP. We will work closely with you to consider all of your options, and ideally create a plan that accounts for your responsibilities, obligations, job, and schedule. This plan may not only help you to get what you want but also ensure your child receives the best care possible – from both parents.
Types of Child Custody
Legal Custody
Usually, legal custody is awarded to both parents. This custody allows the parent to make various decisions for the child, including health care, religious upbringing, and education.
Physical Custody
Custody refers to the parent who will typically spend the most time with the child. It is possible to have sole physical custody, primary physical custody, shared physical custody, or split physical custody.
Sole Physical Custody
When one parent has full custody of the child and does not share any time with the other parent, they may have sole custody. This is more common when there are circumstances involved, such as incarceration or abuse.
Primary Physical Custody
When one parent has more time with the child than the other, they may have primary physical custody.
Shared Physical Custody
When the non-custodial parent has at least 90 days per year with the child, it is considered to be shared custody. This type of custody also involves less child support as it is assumed the non-custodial parent will be providing for a certain amount of clothing, meals, activities, and other needs. As a family lawyer in Arlington, VA, this is the most common type of custody sought by fathers. Judges are also supportive of shared custody because it is believed that it benefits the child the most. In some cases, it is not always ideal; therefore, you should have a lawyer to be at your side when you go to court.
Split Physical Custody
A rarer form of custody involves one parent taking one child and the other parent taking the other child. These types of cases tend to involve special circumstances and may only be accepted by a judge when factors apply.
If you need help with a child custody matter, call a family lawyer in Arlington, VA from May Law, LLP for immediate advice.
Separation and Divorce
Our clients face separation and divorce for many different reasons, and in many different circumstances, so seek counsel from an experienced family lawyer Arlington, VA residents recommend before relying on what friends or family members tell you, or what you have seen on television!
For example, did you know that Virginia law may require a separation of one year before a divorce will be granted, depending on the circumstances? This is because Virginia Law seeks to support marriage and family, and tries to help families remain together.
Finances in separation and divorce are tricky, too – you need a skilled family lawyer in Arlington, VA local residents trust to walk you through what spousal and child support you may be entitled to, or what you may owe.
Your situation is unique: there may have been adultery, cruelty, or desertion – grounds for divorce will guide you differently from an uncontested divorce. All these factors may impact how your separation and/or divorce unfolds, and only a family lawyer in Arlington, VA can explain what may happen in your situation.
Custody and Visitation
Family law becomes even more challenging when children are involved – so a family lawyer in Arlington VA is critical in considering your family law matter from all angles. When parents are married, they have joint custody of their shared children, and no one questions that either parent may take care of or make decisions for that child.
However, when a couple is unmarried, separated, or divorced, who cares for the kids can become the central issue. A court order related to minors in custody disputes will dictate where the children need to be, and Virginia Law puts the best interests of the child at the forefront.
There are two basic types of custody in Virginia. Legal custody describes which parent(s) or family member makes decisions for the child, and physical custody refers to who has the kids (where they live). Either type of custody may be split equally or unequally in some kind of joint or sole custody arrangement. If you are given a schedule of weekday or weekend time with the child, then you have visitation.
3 Tips for a Smooth Custody Exchange
Now that you and your partner have chosen to separate or divorce, you have to work together to get on the same page regarding co-parenting. Most importantly, your children need to be able to transition from one household to the other in a smooth, nonconfrontational manner that does not cause problems for you or your children. Your family lawyer in Arlington, VA can help you draft a co-parenting plan that includes a detailed strategy for easy custody exchanges. Talk to your attorney at May Law to get an understanding of what is expected from you as a parent during a custody exchange. In the meantime, these tips can guide you toward having the kind of custody exchange that everyone can feel good about.
1. Stay Calm and Cordial
One of the most important tips your family lawyer in Arlington, VA will share with you regarding co-parenting is to stay calm and remain courteous. This practice definitely applies to custody exchanges. No matter what transpired between you and your ex-partner, do your best not to let that dictate how you will interact when transitioning your children from one home to the other.
If you have trouble keeping your emotions in check around your ex, prepare mentally on your way to pick up or drop off your child. Take some time to calm down and breathe before meeting your ex. Talk to your attorney at May Law about any strategies they might be able to share with you. You can only control your own conduct, so strive to stay calm and inviting even if your ex has trouble maintaining that demeanor.
2. Meet Somewhere neutral
In most cases, parents find it inconvenient to pick up or drop off their child with their other parent. This is especially problematic and time-consuming if the other parent lives in another state. As your family lawyer in Arlington VA will tell you, there are ways to make the hand-off easier for yourself as well as your ex-spouse. You can opt for the custody exchange to take place at a neutral location. For instance, you can meet in the middle at a mutually convenient restaurant. This way, your child can perhaps enjoy some food each time, which will help them anticipate future custody exchanges.
3. Don’t be Late
Even if your ex is no longer a part of your life, their time is still valuable. Your time is valuable as well. Therefore, your family lawyer in Arlington, VA will likely emphasize that you shouldn’t be late for a custody exchange. In fact, do your best to be early at the agreed-upon location. This way, your former partner will have no reason to complain about you in court. Also, your attorney at May Law can use your timeliness as leverage to advocate for any future changes you might need or want in your custody agreement.
Legal and Informal Separation – The Basics
When your marriage is no longer serves as a healthy force in your life, it can be undeniably challenging to determine whether or not your relationship (as it currently stands) remains worth your valuable time, effort, energy and investment. It is partially because determining the fate of a marriage is no easy feat that so many couples choose to pursue either information or formal, legal separations at one time or another. If you find yourself contemplating separation or you are already separated, it is important to consider speaking with an experienced Arlington, VA family lawyer about your legal and financial options and interests. Failing to obtain legal guidance now may impact your legal options and financial security down the road.
Considerations for Separated Couples
One of the reasons why it is so important to speak with an Arlington, VA family lawyer if you are thinking about separating or are already separated is that any informal arrangements you make can impact your financial and legal options for years to come. Until you are either formally divorced or have a binding legal separation agreement in hand, you remain legally and financially bound to your spouse in the eyes of the law.
Practically speaking, this means that you may be held accountable for your spouse’s financial and legal decisions while you remain informally separated. While this may not seem like a significant burden, your Arlington, Virginia family lawyer will be able to explain why this reality is so consequential. If your spouse assumes debts, enters into certain contracts, sells assets without your permission, and otherwise behaves badly while you are informally separated, you can be held legally and financially responsible for that behavior. Exploring the protections afforded by legal separation may benefit you significantly if/until you either decide to divorce or become reinvested in your marriage sans separation.
Similarly, it is important to explore the potential benefits of legal separation with your Arlington, VA family lawyer if you have minor children. Legal separation will allow you and your spouse access to child custody agreement structures, formalized child support orders, and other legal tools designed to help your family function as well as it can while you mull over the fate of your romantic relationship.
Alimony During and After Divorce
A family lawyer in Arlington VA understands that there are many issues a client may have to deal with during this time. Issues such as custody, child support, and property division are some issues that the parties usually have to come to some sort of agreement on. Another issue that may need to be addressed is spousal support.
Spousal support, also known as maintenance or alimony, is monetary assistance awarded by the court to one spouse in a divorce proceeding. In some cases, such support can be very important in ensuring one spouse does not suffer unduly during and after the divorce proceedings.
An Arlington VA family lawyer from May Law LLP can help determine if you qualify for alimony from your soon-to-be-ex-spouse. Our firm has been assisting clients for 25 years in negotiating and litigating divorces and can help you during this difficult time.
Types of Alimony
There are two types of alimony: Pendente lite alimony, which is temporary, and permanent post-decree alimony.
Temporary maintenance awards end when a final order for maintenance is entered in the case. Permanent maintenance can be for a set period of time (durational maintenance) or for the life of the supported spouse (non-durational maintenance). Non-durational maintenance ends when the spouse dies gets remarried or cohabitates with another person.
Pendente lite, meaning “pending the litigation,” refers to alimony and other requests made when the divorce or separation case is initially filed. When making a Pendente lite motion, an individual may also be able to petition the court for immediate custody or visitation. While courts generally make the final decisions on alimony, the parties can make an agreement regarding maintenance issues at any time during the marriage or before the marriage through a prenuptial agreement. Note that maintenance awards can be modified after they have been granted, though the court has to first consider any changed circumstances.
What Should Virginians Include in a Prenuptial Agreement?
Drafting a prenuptial agreement, or prenup is a good way to clarify each person’s responsibilities and rights. They can prevent difficult legal scenarios later in the marriage by setting clear boundaries and expectations.
If you are planning on preparing and signing a prenup, a family lawyer in Arlington, VA can guide you through the process and draft a contract for you and your future spouse. For those who have just started considering the idea, here are a few suggestions for what should be included.
1. Marital Versus Separate Property
This is a crucial part of any prenuptial agreement. Marital property will need to be divided in the event of a divorce. Any assets or belongings that you do not want to split or share should be designated as separate property. Adding this information to your contract will go a long way to avoiding future legal fights over things like shares in a business, valuable antiques, or property that’s been in your family for generations.
2. Debt
As a married couple, one person’s debt often becomes both people’s debt. If you already have accrued significant debt, like from graduate school, or if you know you will soon, you should account for this in the prenup. While this can be difficult to predict, there are times when you are aware of future events that will cause indebtedness, like the purchase of a house or other real estate property. For assistance through this process, May Law has the experience to help you determine what to include.
3. Alimony Payments
Virginia law allows alimony payments to be laid out in a prenup, however, the terms must be fair and equitable. While a section like this may be variable and end up not being upheld in divorce court, it is still a good idea to include it. Being prepared with an agreed-upon arrangement, should the marriage end, is usually the best course of action. A family lawyer in Arlington, VA will be able to help you determine an equitable amount of alimony.
4. Separation Specifics
Detailing how various aspects of separation should be handled is easier when emotions are not running high. For that reason, this is a good thing to include in a prenup. Consider things like who will continue to live in the shared home, who will keep family pets, how furniture and belongings will be divided, and who will retain ownership of vehicles. You don’t have to know what your circumstances will be in the future in order to include these details. Just do your best to be as specific as possible.
Implementing a prenuptial agreement is often a sensitive subject because many people see it as an expectation that the marriage will not last. However, because life is unpredictable and ever-changing, being prepared for the unexpected is never a bad idea. If you are looking for help with your prenup planning, or need a lawyer to draft the contract, reach out to May Law and speak with a family lawyer in Arlington, VA.
Arlington Family Law Infographic
Arlington Family Law Statistics
In the U.S., about 40-50% of marriages end in divorce, with custody disputes arising in 30% of cases involving children. Mediation is frequently used to reduce conflict and reach amicable solutions.
Approximately 90% of custody arrangements are resolved without court intervention, often granting joint custody. Child support agreements are critical, yet 30% of custodial parents receive no payments from the non-custodial parent.
Domestic violence often intersects with family law, affecting 1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men.
FAQs About Child Custody
What Will the Court Take Into Consideration for Custody Arrangements?
There are several factors that courts consider when it comes to child custody. These include:
- The relationship between the child and each parent
- The parents’ health
- The parent’s ability to care for the child
- Which parent provides the most stable environment for the child
- The developmental needs of the child
- The emotional needs of the child
- If there are signs of abuse
Does an Unwed Mother Have to File for Custody?
An unmarried mother is presumed to have full custody unless the father has taken steps to prove his paternity for the child. Once paternity is proven, he may file for custody. A family lawyer in Arlington VA, from May Law, can help with the paternity process.
Can You Refuse To Allow Visitation if Your Ex Doesn’t Pay Child Support?
In short, no, you can’t. Child support and visitation are not mutually exclusive — they’re completely separate from each other. Even though your ex isn’t paying child support, he or she still retains visitation rights.
Can Your Child Decide Which Parent To Live With?
If your child is old enough and mature enough to have a reasonable reason to live with one parent or the other, the court may take that desire into account. Generally speaking, children aged 14 and older have more impact on their living arrangements than younger children do, but children aged 8-13 will also be heard. Your May Law family lawyer in Arlington VA can offer more guidance on this point.
What Is a Parenting Plan?
A parenting plan is a guiding document that defines how you and your ex are going to parent your children moving forward. It will include such things as making decisions regarding school, medical care and religious upbringing; visitation; joint or physical custody; and child support. Your family lawyer in Arlington VA may have a checklist for you of things to include in your parenting plan
What Is a Paternity Action?
A paternity action is a process by which a man can establish he’s the parent of a child. The easiest way to establish paternity is to fill out a Voluntary Acknowledgement of Paternity (AOP) when the child is born. If there’s any question as to who the father is, you may instead have to take a paternity test, testing your DNA against the child. This is often done by court order.
Are You Looking for a Family Lawyer?
When you choose our Arlington VA family law firm for mediation and family law matters, please know that we offer:
- Flexible scheduling
- A comfortable environment
- A team that will listen to your concerns
- An honest legal approach
- Affordable fees
If you would like to know more about our family lawyers, our services, or our mediation sessions, please call May Law LLP, the family law firm Arlington VA families trust. We will be glad to listen to your concerns and answer any questions you might have.
What Does the Court Consider in Determining Whether to Award Alimony?
The amount of temporary maintenance awarded is calculated according to a formula provided by statute. When the spouse is ordered to pay maintenance has income exceeding the statutory cap, the court then applies the formula and considers certain factors to determine if the award should be increased.
These factors include:
- The duration of the marriage;
- The differences in the incomes of the spouses, especially if substantial;
- The standard of living the parties was accustomed to during the marriage;
- The health and age of the spouses;
- The chance of one of the parties dissipating or misusing the marital property;
- The ability of the spouse seeking maintenance to become self-supporting, and the training and time that will take;
- Whether the party seeking maintenance will have a reduced or lost earning capacity as a result of having sacrificed or delayed training, employment, career opportunities or education during the marriage;
- Which spouse with whom the children live or will live; and
- Whether one spouse will have trouble finding work due to age or absence from the workforce.
In addition to the above-listed factors, the court may also consider other factors that the court finds proper and just.
Common Arlington Divorce Mistakes
Here are a few common divorce mistakes that a family law lawyer in Arlington Virginia from May Law, LLP often sees.
Calling Your Spouse When You’re Angry
If you and your ex left things off on bad terms, it’s understandable that you’re angry. However, that doesn’t mean you should let your emotions get the best of you. If you call your ex when you’re angry, you could say something you regret and make the entire situation even worse. A family law lawyer in Arlington Virginia would advise you to wait until you’re calm to contact your ex.
Venting on Social Media
When you’re angry with your ex, it may be tempting to vent about it on social media. However, you should think twice before you post your ex’s dirty laundry on your Facebook page. They could be used against you in court later.
Talking Badly About Your Ex in Front of Your Children
No matter how upset you are with your ex, a family law lawyer in Arlington Virginia advises against talking poorly about him or her in front of your children. Like it or not, your ex is still your kids’ parent and they need him or her in their life. If your children hear you saying unflattering things about your ex, they may form the wrong opinion of him or her. You don’t want them to feel any more uncomfortable than they already are.
Failing to Make Changes to Your Will
A common mistake a family lawyer in Arlington VA residents trust has seen divorcing couples make is forgetting to make changes to their will. Just because you get divorced, doesn’t automatically mean that your ex loses rights to the assets in your will. Remember to make the necessary changes to your estate plan as soon as possible.
Settling Too Quickly
A divorce is stressful, so it’s understandable that you may want to settle it as soon as possible. However, you shouldn’t just take the first settlement that’s offered to you. It’s important to be patient and let your divorce lawyer negotiate a fair settlement.
Not Telling Your Divorce Lawyer the Truth
When you speak to your family law lawyer in Arlington Virginia, it’s important to be completely candid. Don’t neglect to tell your lawyer important information because you feel embarrassed. Your lawyer has heard it all and won’t pass judgment. If your lawyer doesn’t know everything, he or she won’t be able to help you to the best of his or her ability.
The Benefits of Mediation
Compared to litigation, which will include a judge and courtroom, the mediation a family lawyer Arlington VA clients recommend from our firm includes:
- Private – Mediation is off the record and held outside of court. Everything discussed in the session(s) will remain confidential.
- Flexible – Mediation can address various family-related issues. It can also take place before or after a court petition has been filed.
- Non-Adversarial – In mediation sessions, both sides are encouraged to work cooperatively to ensure the best possible outcome for everyone.
- Self-Directed – With the help of a family lawyer, the process will be controlled by you rather than the court.
- Neutral – The sessions are guided by a mediator who is a professional trained to handle these situations. Mediators are often family lawyers and are unbiased third parties.
- Improved Communication – Mediation promotes healthy communication that is capable of getting positive results.
- Low Cost – If you are able to reach an agreement or settlement in mediation, rather than the court deciding, you can expect lower legal fees.
- Mandatory Dispute Resolution – Many courts will require parties to try to reach a settlement through alternative dispute resolution after a petition is filed. If their case cannot be resolved in this type of resolution, which includes mediation, a court hearing may be scheduled.
Regardless of what family matter you are being challenged with, if you are seeking some kind of resolution without the court getting involved, mediation is an excellent choice. The approach offers ideal privacy and flexibility that is not available through court procedures. If you turn over your power to the court, you will give up your right to reach a settlement that accounts for your needs and values. Rather, a judge will make the decision. If this is not something you want, it may be a good time to talk with a lawyer from an Arlington VA family law firm about alternative dispute resolution methods such as mediation.
Questions To Ask Perspective Arlington Family Lawyer
The following are examples of sample questions that may prove helpful when interviewing your prospective choices in Arlington VA. It is also advantageous to take notes at each interview to review later before making your final decision.
- What percentage of your cases involve family law or divorce?
- How many years have you been practicing these areas of law?
- Do you have litigation experience?
- What percentage of your cases have gone to trial?
- Do you have any special training that distinguishes you from other family lawyers or divorce lawyers?
Communication and Caseload
- With regard to the current caseload, will you have time to handle my case exclusively?
- If not, who else will be involved in my case — associates or paralegals?
- Will I be able to contact you directly?
- If yes, what is the preferred method of communication?
- Will I be billed for telephone or email conversations?
Fees and Firm Expenses
- Do you require a retainer, and if so, can it be waived or satisfied in payments?
- What is your hourly rate?
- Does your rate change if we proceed to trial?
- Will I be responsible for the fees and expenses of other members of your legal team?
- Based on my situation and in your estimation, how much will my divorce cost?
Contact May Law, LLP, Family Lawyer Arlington, VA to Answer Your Family Law Questions
If you are informally or formally separated from your spouse and you have questions about the financial side of legal separation and/or divorce, please do not hesitate to schedule a consultation with May Law, LLP today. Speaking with an experienced Arlington, Virginia family lawyer will not obligate you to take any specific course of action. Doing so will simply help to ensure that your options moving forward are informed ones. It is important to remember that just as no two couples are exactly alike, the ways in which couples separate are never exactly the same either. Our firm will help you to determine what legal options will best serve your family’s interests during this transition, whether this transition is temporary or permanent in nature. We look forward to working with you.
At May Law, LLP, we’ve helped family law clients in Arlington VA, and throughout Virginia for over 20 years with challenges faced in separation, divorce, child custody, visitation, domestic abuse, domestic violence, child abuse, protective orders for assault and battery on a family member, spousal and child support, premarital (prenuptial), marital and property settlement agreements, and all manner of issues that come before a family lawyer Arlington, VA residents trust.
Family Lawyer Arlington, VA 
Regardless of which spouse made the decision, if your marriage is ending, you are likely considering retaining the services of a skilled divorce attorney to help you navigate through this complicated and emotional process.
There are some things you should keep in mind when beginning your search for a family. One of the most important is the type of lawyer you hire. There are many areas of law that attorneys can practice in, but each area has its own critical components that – if not adhered to – can result in a less than favorable outcome.
To put this in perspective, compare this to finding a physician. When you have a particular health issue, you seek out a doctor who specializes in that area. If you were having issues with you heart, you would go see a cardiologist because that is their area of specialty. You would not go see a dermatologist because, although they are a medical doctor, their expertise is about the skin.
The same is true with lawyers. If you are going through a divorce, you want a lawyer who is well-versed in the dissolution of marriage laws in your state. A lawyer whose entire practice focuses on personal injury may be a skillful lawyer, but they probably are not as knowledgeable about family law as they are about injury law.
The best way to find a divorce lawyer is to ask friends and family for referrals and go online to check out different client reviews. Once you have your prospects in mind, prepare a game plan that includes a series of interview questions to ensure you are hiring the best family or divorce lawyer to handle your case.
The following are examples of sample questions that may prove helpful when interviewing your prospective choices in Arlington VA. It is also advantageous to take notes at each interview to review later before making your final decision.
Arlington Family Lawyer
- What percentage of your cases involve family law or divorce?
- How many years have you been practicing these areas of law?
- Do you have litigation experience?
- What percentage of your cases have gone to trial?
- Do you have any special training that distinguishes you from other family lawyers or divorce lawyers?
Communication and Caseload
- With regard to the current caseload, will you have time to handle my case exclusively?
- If not, who else will be involved in my case — associates or paralegals?
- Will I be able to contact you directly?
- If yes, what is the preferred method of communication?
- Will I be billed for telephone or email conversations?
Fees and Firm Expenses
- Do you require a retainer, and if so, can it be waived or satisfied in payments?
- What is your hourly rate?
- Does your rate change if we proceed to trial?
- Will I be responsible for the fees and expenses of other members of your legal team?
- Based on my situation and in your estimation, how much will my divorce cost?
A Family Lawyer for Child Custody
What might scare any parents most, after a divorce, is worrying about what will happen to their children. As a family lawyer in Arlington, VA, we, at May Law, LLP hear many concerns from parents, such as:
- What if I don’t get much time with my child?
- Will I still be able to be the parent I want to be?
- Will my child be negatively impacted?
- How can I make sure they are okay?
These concerns are normal for any mom or dad, and particularly important to think about during a child custody battle, or pre-agreement. We know that many parents struggle to think about these things and worry about what the future may hold. Most parents, do not want the decision of child custody to end up in the hands of a judge. However, when an arrangement cannot be reached, this will happen. To avoid this, it may help to have a family lawyer in Arlington, VA on your side. By making this decision, you can feel peace of mind in knowing your rights will be protected, while at the same time, your child’s interests will be put first.
If you are a parent and facing a child custody issue, call a family lawyer in Arlington, VA from May Law, LLP. We will work closely with you to consider all of your options, and ideally create a plan that accounts for your responsibilities, obligations, job, and schedule. This plan may not only help you to get what you want but also ensure your child receives the best care possible – from both parents.
Types of Child Custody
Legal Custody
Usually, legal custody is awarded to both parents. This custody allows the parent to make various decisions for the child, including health care, religious upbringing, and education.
Physical Custody
Custody refers to the parent who will typically spend the most time with the child. It is possible to have sole physical custody, primary physical custody, shared physical custody, or split physical custody.
Sole Physical Custody
When one parent has full custody of the child and does not share any time with the other parent, they may have sole custody. This is more common when there are circumstances involved, such as incarceration or abuse.
Primary Physical Custody
When one parent has more time with the child than the other, they may have primary physical custody.
Shared Physical Custody
When the non-custodial parent has at least 90 days per year with the child, it is considered to be shared custody. This type of custody also involves less child support as it is assumed the non-custodial parent will be providing for a certain amount of clothing, meals, activities, and other needs. As a family lawyer in Arlington, VA, this is the most common type of custody sought by fathers. Judges are also supportive of shared custody because it is believed that it benefits the child the most. In some cases, it is not always ideal; therefore, you should have a lawyer to be at your side when you go to court.
Split Physical Custody
A rarer form of custody involves one parent taking one child and the other parent taking the other child. These types of cases tend to involve special circumstances and may only be accepted by a judge when factors apply.
If you need help with a child custody matter, call a family lawyer in Arlington, VA from May Law, LLP for immediate advice.
Divorce or legal separation proceedings can be a complicated and difficult time, especially if one of the spouses is unhappy about the divorce. A short marriage that did not involve property or children can result in a fairly simple process, especially if both parties are willing to be civil and reasonable.
Things to Consider
Long-term marriages where many things were done or purchased jointly can create a more complicated situation. There are a variety of factors that will influence how your proceedings will continue, such as:
- Minor children: If minors are involved, you will have to fill out additional paperwork and make decisions about child support and custody arrangements.
- Filing jointly: If you both mutually agree on the divorce, you can file jointly but both parties must sign this paperwork and an Order to Appear is not necessary.
- Filing separately: It only requires one spouse to sign papers to start a divorce and that spouse must personally serve the papers to the other spouse, then an Order to Appear should also be filled out and served. In this case, you will also need to prove that one spouse meets your state’s residency requirements for divorce, and that there is a legal reason or grounds for divorce. You will also need to include any other information your state requires.
- No-fault vs fault: If there is no legal “fault” reason for the divorce, such as adultery or abuse, some states allow filing for a no-fault divorce which is a simplified process.
Temporary Hearing
If you and your spouse agree on all matters, your divorce process can be simple and cost far less in legal fees. If there are many disagreements and you need some decisions made while the divorce is taking place (which can take six months in some cases) you might need a temporary hearing which allows the court to help settle:
- Living arrangements
- Use of vehicles and bank accounts
- Debt payments
- Disagreements on child custody, residency, and support
Serving Papers
As the spouse filing the paperwork, you are required to deliver a copy to your spouse and file a proof of service form to the court. Without this, you cannot continue with the proceedings. If you expect your spouse to be difficult and avoid signing the papers, you can hire a professional to handle this for you.
Receiving Papers
As the spouse who receives papers, you are required to file an answer or reply within a certain period of time. You may dispute the grounds for divorce if there are any, and bring up any disagreements regarding the issues within the temporary hearing.
Keep in mind, that laws vary slightly between states, so consult with an experienced divorce attorney who is familiar with your state’s laws and who also has experience working with issues you will be dealing with in your particular situation, such as children, unique investments, or unusual financial affairs.
Family relationships can be complicated. When you or a loved one reaches a breaking point in your relationship or marriage, whether or not children are involved, you need a trusted family lawyer in Arlington, Virginia to explain your legal rights and obligations – but also to be understanding of the pain and process of ending a relationship and facing a new family dynamic.
Separation and Divorce
Our clients face separation and divorce for many different reasons, and in many different circumstances, so seek counsel from an experienced family lawyer Arlington, VA residents recommend before relying on what friends or family members tell you, or what you have seen on television!
For example, did you know that Virginia law may require a separation of one year before a divorce will be granted, depending on the circumstances? This is because Virginia Law seeks to support marriage and family, and tries to help families remain together.
Finances in separation and divorce are tricky, too – you need a skilled family lawyer in Arlington, VA local residents trust to walk you through what spousal and child support you may be entitled to, or what you may owe.
Your situation is unique: there may have been adultery, cruelty, or desertion – grounds for divorce will guide you differently from an uncontested divorce. All these factors may impact how your separation and/or divorce unfolds, and only a family lawyer in Arlington, VA can explain what may happen in your situation.
Custody and Visitation
Family law becomes even more challenging when children are involved – so a family lawyer in Arlington VA is critical in considering your family law matter from all angles. When parents are married, they have joint custody of their shared children, and no one questions that either parent may take care of or make decisions for that child.
However, when a couple is unmarried, separated, or divorced, who cares for the kids can become the central issue. A court order related to minors in custody disputes will dictate where the children need to be, and Virginia Law puts the best interests of the child at the forefront.
There are two basic types of custody in Virginia. Legal custody describes which parent(s) or family member makes decisions for the child, and physical custody refers to who has the kids (where they live). Either type of custody may be split equally or unequally in some kind of joint or sole custody arrangement. If you are given a schedule of weekday or weekend time with the child, then you have visitation.
3 Tips for a Smooth Custody Exchange
Now that you and your partner have chosen to separate or divorce, you have to work together to get on the same page regarding co-parenting. Most importantly, your children need to be able to transition from one household to the other in a smooth, nonconfrontational manner that does not cause problems for you or your children. Your family lawyer in Arlington, VA can help you draft a co-parenting plan that includes a detailed strategy for easy custody exchanges. Talk to your attorney at May Law to get an understanding of what is expected from you as a parent during a custody exchange. In the meantime, these tips can guide you toward having the kind of custody exchange that everyone can feel good about.
1. Stay Calm and Cordial
One of the most important tips your family lawyer in Arlington, VA will share with you regarding co-parenting is to stay calm and remain courteous. This practice definitely applies to custody exchanges. No matter what transpired between you and your ex-partner, do your best not to let that dictate how you will interact when transitioning your children from one home to the other.
If you have trouble keeping your emotions in check around your ex, prepare mentally on your way to pick up or drop off your child. Take some time to calm down and breathe before meeting your ex. Talk to your attorney at May Law about any strategies they might be able to share with you. You can only control your own conduct, so strive to stay calm and inviting even if your ex has trouble maintaining that demeanor.
2. Meet Somewhere neutral
In most cases, parents find it inconvenient to pick up or drop off their child with their other parent. This is especially problematic and time-consuming if the other parent lives in another state. As your family lawyer in Arlington VA will tell you, there are ways to make the hand-off easier for yourself as well as your ex-spouse. You can opt for the custody exchange to take place at a neutral location. For instance, you can meet in the middle at a mutually convenient restaurant. This way, your child can perhaps enjoy some food each time, which will help them anticipate future custody exchanges.
3. Don’t be Late
Even if your ex is no longer a part of your life, their time is still valuable. Your time is valuable as well. Therefore, your family lawyer in Arlington, VA will likely emphasize that you shouldn’t be late for a custody exchange. In fact, do your best to be early at the agreed-upon location. This way, your former partner will have no reason to complain about you in court. Also, your attorney at May Law can use your timeliness as leverage to advocate for any future changes you might need or want in your custody agreement.
FAQs About Child Custody
What Will the Court Take Into Consideration for Custody Arrangements?
There are several factors that courts consider when it comes to child custody. These include:
- The relationship between the child and each parent
- The parents’ health
- The parent’s ability to care for the child
- Which parent provides the most stable environment for the child
- The developmental needs of the child
- The emotional needs of the child
- If there are signs of abuse
Does an Unwed Mother Have to File for Custody?
An unmarried mother is presumed to have full custody unless the father has taken steps to prove his paternity of the child. Once paternity is proven, he may file for custody. A family lawyer in Arlington VA, from May Law can help with the paternity process.
Can You Refuse To Allow Visitation if Your Ex Doesn’t Pay Child Support?
In short, no, you can’t. Child support and visitation are not mutually exclusive — they’re completely separate from each other. Even though your ex isn’t paying child support, he or she still retains visitation rights.
Can Your Child Decide Which Parent To Live With?
If your child is old enough and mature enough to have a reasonable reason to live with one parent or the other, the court may take that desire into account. Generally speaking, children aged 14 and older have more impact on their living arrangements than younger children do, but children aged 8-13 will also be heard. Your May Law family lawyer in Arlington VA, can offer more guidance on this point.
What Is a Parenting Plan?
A parenting plan is a guiding document that defines how you and your ex are going to parent your children moving forward. It will include such things as making decisions regarding school, medical care and religious upbringing; visitation; joint or physical custody; and child support. Your family lawyer in Arlington VA, may have a checklist for you of things to include in your parenting plan
What Is a Paternity Action?
A paternity action is a process by which a man can establish he’s the parent of a child. The easiest way to establish paternity is to fill out a Voluntary Acknowledgement of Paternity (AOP) when the child is born. If there’s any question as to who the father is, you may instead have to take a paternity test, testing your DNA against the child. This is often done by court order.
Legal and Informal Separation – The Basics
When your marriage is no longer serves as a healthy force in your life, it can be undeniably challenging to determine whether or not your relationship (as it currently stands) remains worth your valuable time, effort, energy and investment. It is partially because determining the fate of a marriage is no easy feat that so many couples choose to pursue either information or formal, legal separations at one time or another. If you find yourself contemplating separation or you are already separated, it is important to consider speaking with an experienced Arlington, VA family lawyer about your legal and financial options and interests. Failing to obtain legal guidance now may impact your legal options and financial security down the road.
Considerations for Separated Couples
One of the reasons why it is so important to speak with an Arlington, VA family lawyer if you are thinking about separating or are already separated is that any informal arrangements you make can impact your financial and legal options for years to come. Until you are either formally divorced or have a binding legal separation agreement in hand, you remain legally and financially bound to your spouse in the eyes of the law.
Practically speaking, this means that you may be held accountable for your spouse’s financial and legal decisions while you remain informally separated. While this may not seem like a significant burden, your Arlington, Virginia family lawyer will be able to explain why this reality is so consequential. If your spouse assumes debts, enters into certain contracts, sells assets without your permission, and otherwise behaves badly while you are informally separated, you can be held legally and financially responsible for that behavior. Exploring the protections afforded by legal separation may benefit you significantly if/until you either decide to divorce or become reinvested in your marriage sans separation.
Similarly, it is important to explore the potential benefits of legal separation with your Arlington, VA family lawyer if you have minor children. Legal separation will allow you and your spouse access to child custody agreement structures, formalized child support orders and other legal tools designed to help your family function as well as it can while you mull over the fate of your romantic relationship.
Legal Guidance Is Available
If you are informally or formally separated from your spouse and you have questions about the financial side of legal separation and/or divorce, please do not hesitate to schedule a consultation with May Law, LLP today. Speaking with an experienced Arlington, Virginia family lawyer will not obligate you to take any specific course of action. Doing so will simply help to ensure that your options moving forward are informed ones. It is important to remember that just as no two couples are exactly alike, the ways in which couples separate are never exactly the same either. Our firm will help you to determine what legal options will best serve your family’s interests during this transition, whether this transition is temporary or permanent in nature. We look forward to working with you.
Alimony During and After Divorce
A family lawyer in Arlington VA understands that there are many issues a client may have to deal with during this time. Issues such as custody, child support, and property division are some issues that the parties usually have to come to some sort of agreement. Another issue that may need to be addressed is spousal support.
Spousal support, also known as maintenance or alimony, is monetary assistance awarded by the court to one spouse in a divorce proceeding. In some cases, such support can be very important in ensuring one spouse does not suffer unduly during and after the divorce proceedings.
An Arlington VA family lawyer from May Law LLP can help determine if you qualify for alimony from your soon-to-be-ex-spouse. Our firm has been assisting clients for 25 years in negotiating and litigating divorces and can help you during this difficult time.
Types of Alimony
There are two types of alimony: Pendente lite alimony, which is temporary, and permanent post-decree alimony.
Temporary maintenance awards end when a final order for maintenance is entered in the case. Permanent maintenance can be for a set period of time (durational maintenance) or for the life of the supported spouse (non-durational maintenance). Non-durational maintenance ends when the spouse dies, gets remarried, or cohabitates with another person.
Pendente lite, meaning “pending the litigation,” refers to alimony and other requests made when the divorce or separation case is initially filed. When making a Pendente lite motion, an individual may also be able to petition the court for immediate custody or visitation. While courts generally make the final decisions on alimony, the parties can make an agreement regarding maintenance issues at any time during the marriage or before the marriage through a prenuptial agreement. Note that maintenance awards can be modified after they have been granted, though the court has to first consider any changed circumstances.
What Should Virginians Include in a Prenuptial Agreement?
Drafting a prenuptial agreement, or prenup is a good way to clarify each person’s responsibilities and rights. They can prevent difficult legal scenarios later in the marriage by setting clear boundaries and expectations.
If you are planning on preparing and signing a prenup, a family lawyer in Arlington, VA can guide you through the process and draft a contract for you and your future spouse. For those who have just started considering the idea, here are a few suggestions for what should be included.
1. Marital Versus Separate Property
This is a crucial part of any prenuptial agreement. Marital property will need to be divided in the event of a divorce. Any assets or belongings that you do not want to split or share should be designated as separate property. Adding this information to your contract will go a long way to avoiding future legal fights over things like shares in a business, valuable antiques, or property that’s been in your family for generations.
2. Debt
As a married couple, one person’s debt often becomes both people’s debt. If you already have accrued significant debt, like from graduate school, or if you know you will soon, you should account for this in the prenup. While this can be difficult to predict, there are times when you are aware of future events that will cause indebtedness, like the purchase of a house or other real estate property. For assistance through this process, May Law has the experience to help you determine what to include.
3. Alimony Payments
Virginia law allows alimony payments to be laid out in a prenup, however, the terms must be fair and equitable. While a section like this may be variable and end up not being upheld in divorce court, it is still a good idea to include it. Being prepared with an agreed-upon arrangement, should the marriage end, is usually the best course of action. A family lawyer in Arlington, VA will be able to help you determine an equitable amount of alimony.
4. Separation Specifics
Detailing how various aspects of separation should be handled is easier when emotions are not running high. For that reason, this is a good thing to include in a prenup. Consider things like who will continue to live in the shared home, who will keep family pets, how furniture and belongings will be divided, and who will retain ownership of vehicles. You don’t have to know what your circumstances will be in the future in order to include these details. Just do your best to be as specific as possible.
Implementing a prenuptial agreement is often a sensitive subject because many people see it as an expectation that the marriage will not last. However, because life is unpredictable and ever-changing, being prepared for the unexpected is never a bad idea. If you are looking for help with your prenup planning, or need a lawyer to draft the contract, reach out to May Law and speak with a family lawyer in Arlington, VA.
What Does the Court Consider in Determining Whether to Award Alimony?
The amount of temporary maintenance awarded is calculated according to a formula provided by statute. When the spouse being ordered to pay maintenance has income exceeding the statutory cap, the court then applies the formula and considers certain factors to determine if the award should be increased.
These factors include:
- The duration of the marriage;
- The differences in the incomes of the spouses, especially if substantial;
- The standard of living the parties was accustomed to during the marriage;
- The health and age of the spouses;
- The chance of one of the parties dissipating or misusing the marital property;
- The ability of the spouse seeking maintenance to become self-supporting, and the training and time that will take;
- Whether the party seeking maintenance will have a reduced or lost earning capacity as a result of having sacrificed or delayed training, employment, career opportunities or education during the marriage;
- Which spouse with whom the children live or will live; and
- Whether one spouse will have trouble finding work due to age or absence from the workforce.
In addition to the above-listed factors, the court may also consider other factors that the court finds proper and just.
Common Arlington Divorce Mistakes
Here are a few common divorce mistakes that a family law lawyer in Arlington Virginia from May Law, LLP often sees.
Calling Your Spouse When You’re Angry
If you and your ex left things off on bad terms, it’s understandable that you’re angry. However, that doesn’t mean you should let your emotions get the best of you. If you call your ex when you’re angry, you could say something you regret and make the entire situation even worse. A family law lawyer in Arlington Virginia would advise you to wait until you’re calm to contact your ex.
Venting on Social Media
When you’re angry with your ex, it may be tempting to vent about it on social media. However, you should think twice before you post your ex’s dirty laundry on your Facebook page. They could be used against you in court later.
Talking Badly About Your Ex in Front of Your Children
No matter how upset you are with your ex, a family law lawyer in Arlington Virginia advises against talking poorly about him or her in front of your children. Like it or not, your ex is still your kids’ parent and they need him or her in their life. If your children hear you saying unflattering things about your ex, they may form the wrong opinion of him or her. You don’t want them to feel any more uncomfortable than they already are.
Failing to Make Changes to Your Will
A common mistake a family lawyer Arlington VA residents trust has seen divorcing couples make is forgetting to make changes to their will. Just because you get divorced, doesn’t automatically mean that your ex loses rights to the assets in your will. Remember to make the necessary changes to your estate plan as soon as possible.
Settling Too Quickly
A divorce is stressful, so it’s understandable that you may want to settle it as soon as possible. However, you shouldn’t just take the first settlement that’s offered to you. It’s important to be patient and let your divorce lawyer negotiate a fair settlement.
Not Telling Your Divorce Lawyer the Truth
When you speak to your family law lawyer in Arlington Virginia, it’s important to be completely candid. Don’t neglect to tell your lawyer important information because you feel embarrassed. Your lawyer has heard it all and won’t pass judgment. If your lawyer doesn’t know everything, he or she won’t be able to help you to the best of his or her ability.
Contacting a Family Lawyer in Arlington, VA
If you are going through a divorce and are concerned about spousal support, contact a family lawyer in Arlington, VA clients turn to May Law LLP to discuss your family situation and what legal options you may have. Call our office today to set up a free consultation with a skilled family lawyer.
Mediation is a powerful tool used in family law legal matters and can help you to maintain control over the outcome of your issue. May Law LLP, a dedicated family law firm in Arlington, Virginia offers flexible scheduling for individuals and families looking for a resolution to their legal matters. Our services are broad and include mediation. If you are urgently in need of mediation, call a family lawyer now.
The Benefits of Mediation
Compared to litigation, which will include a judge and courtroom, the mediation a family lawyer Arlington VA clients recommend from our firm includes:
- Private – Mediation is off the record and held outside of court. Everything discussed in the session(s) will remain confidential.
- Flexible – Mediation can address various family-related issues. It can also take place before or after a court petition has been filed.
- Non-Adversarial – In mediation sessions, both sides are encouraged to work cooperatively to ensure the best possible outcome for everyone.
- Self-Directed – With the help of a family lawyer, the process will be controlled by you rather than the court.
- Neutral – The sessions are guided by a mediator who is a professional trained to handle these situations. Mediators are often family lawyers and are unbiased third parties.
- Improved Communication – Mediation promotes healthy communication that is capable of getting positive results.
- Low Cost – If you are able to reach an agreement or settlement in mediation, rather than the court deciding, you can expect lower legal fees.
- Mandatory Dispute Resolution – Many courts will require parties to try to reach a settlement through alternative dispute resolution after a petition is filed. If their case cannot be resolved in this type of resolution, which includes mediation, a court hearing may be scheduled.
Regardless of what family matter you are being challenged with, if you are seeking some kind of resolution without the court getting involved, mediation is an excellent choice. The approach offers ideal privacy and flexibility that is not available through court procedures. If you turn over your power to the court, you will give up your right to reach a settlement that accounts for your needs and values. Rather, a judge will make the decision. If this is not something you want, it may be a good time to talk with a lawyer from an Arlington VA family law firm about alternative dispute resolution methods such as mediation.
Common Types of Disputes that We Handle
The legal team at our Arlington VA family law firm conducts mediation sessions on a frequent basis. We have successfully helped to reconcile family disputes through mediation for issues pertaining to:
- Divorce
- Legal separation
- Child custody
- Child support
- Temporary orders
- Asset and property division
- Allocation of debts
- Spousal maintenance/ support
- Relocation
- Parenting plan modifications
- Modifications
- Post-dissolution disputes
Are You Looking for a Family Lawyer?
When you choose our Arlington VA family law firm for mediation and family law matters, please know that we offer:
- Flexible scheduling
- A comfortable environment
- A team that will listen to your concerns
- An honest legal approach
- Affordable fees
If you would like to know more about our family lawyers, our services, or our mediation sessions, please call May Law LLP, the family law firm Arlington VA families trust. We will be glad to listen to your concerns and answer any questions you might have.
Contact May Law, LLP, Family Lawyer Arlington, VA to Answer Your Family Law Questions
At May Law, LLP, we’ve helped family law clients in Arlington VA and throughout Virginia for over 20 years with challenges faced in separation, divorce, child custody, visitation, domestic abuse, domestic violence, child abuse, protective orders for assault and battery on a family member, spousal and child support, premarital (prenuptial), marital and property settlement agreements, and all manner of issues that come before a family lawyer Arlington, VA residents trust.
What are child visitation plans and why are they important in Virginia?
As an Arlington, VA family lawyer from May Law, LLP knows, child visitation plans are agreements made between parents during a divorce or separation that outline how often and when each parent will spend time with their child. In Virginia, visitation plans are important because the court system operates under the belief that ongoing and meaningful relationships with both parents are in the best interest of the child.
How can parents establish a visitation plan in Virginia?
Parents can work together to create a visitation plan that works for everyone involved. This can include determining which days the children will spend with each parent, as well as how holidays and school breaks will be handled. If the parents cannot agree, the court can step in and create a plan based on the best interest of the child. If parents are unable to agree on a visitation plan, they should seek the help of a qualified Arlington family lawyer. The lawyer can guide the parents through the process and help them reach an agreement that works for everyone.
Can visitation plans be modified in Virginia?
Yes, visitation plans can be modified in Virginia. Parents can file a motion with the court to modify the plan if there has been a significant change in circumstances, such as a job loss or relocation. Failing to follow a visitation plan in Virginia can result in legal consequences, including fines and even jail time in extreme cases. It is important for both parents to follow the plan to ensure the well-being of the child.
What if a parent believes that the other parent is not acting in the best interest of the child during visitation?
If a parent believes that the other parent is not acting in the best interest of the child during visitation, they can seek legal assistance. The court may restrict or limit visitation if there is evidence of abuse, neglect, or other harmful behavior on the part of a parent.
How can a family lawyer assist with child visitation plans in Virginia?
A lawyer can provide legal advice and guidance to parents seeking to establish a visitation plan in Virginia. They can help parents understand their legal options, rights, and obligations under state law. They can also represent a parent’s interests in court if necessary, and work to negotiate a plan that works for both parties. Additionally, if a parent needs to modify an existing visitation plan or enforce a plan that is not being followed, a lawyer can provide valuable legal assistance in navigating the court system and advocating for their client’s interests.
It is important to seek legal help for child visitation plans in Virginia to ensure that the rights of both parents and the well-being of the child are protected. A qualified lawyer can guide parents through the legal process and help them reach a fair and workable agreement. When you are ready to create a visitation plan or need to modify an existing one, reach out to May Law, LLP to speak with our Arlington family lawyer now.