Restraining order lawyer Fairfax, VA

Restraining order lawyer Fairfax, VA

Do you need a restraining order so that you can begin to live a normal life again? Or, is someone filing an unwarranted restraining order against you? If so, contact an experienced restraining order lawyer in Fairfax, Virginia from May Law, LLP. We have useful knowledge and experience in this matter and will be able to assist you in court to attempt to get a favorable outcome to your case. 

Who Needs a Restraining Order? 

There are many different reasons someone might file for a restraining order. Some of the most common reasons for filing for a restraining order include abuse, sexual assault, harassment, stalking, and any violent crimes or threats of violence against a person. 

The Victim

If you are the victim of someone, whether it is through actions of assault or verbal assault, you should be entitled to protection from them. You deserve to feel safe in your own home, and a restraining order makes it a very serious offense if your abuser ever comes into close contact with you. A judge will often grant this to someone who clearly needs protection, and our restraining order lawyers in Virginia make it their mission to prove your case in court and get you the protection you deserve. 

The Defense

If a person has filed a restraining order against you, it is crucial for you to seek help from an experienced restraining order lawyer in Virginia immediately. Restraining orders can hurt relationships, limit job opportunities, and even affect where you are able to live. They are incredibly serious, and only get approved if a judge feels that they are valid. You need to have representation while in court so that your lawyer can articulate your side of things, and help prove why the restraining order should not be enacted. 

When Should You Hire a Restraining Order Lawyer?

Whether you are filing for a restraining order against someone else or having one pursued against you, it is important to hire a restraining order lawyer in Fairfax, VA from May Law, LLP right away. We will spend time looking at all of the details that surround your case and fight for your rights of safety and wellbeing. We know about all of the necessary paperwork that needs to be filed, deadlines that must be met, and how a judge might look at your unique case. We have enough experience in this field to craft the right prosecution or defense for your case and will be with you every step of the way. It is also important to retain representation so that you can contact your lawyer if the restraining order is ever broken, if issued. This will ensure that you are protected even after your day in court, and will hold each party accountable now and in the future. Contact us online or give our firm a call today to set up a consultation. We look forward to hearing from you. 

The Burden Of Proof For Virginia Restraining Orders

Understanding the burden of proof necessary to receive a restraining order in Virginia can be complex and emotionally taxing, but our experienced Fairfax, VA restraining order lawyer is here to help. Our firm has been serving clients in Virginia since 1995, and we have extensive experience assisting clients with obtaining restraining orders. We know what is required in order to file for a restraining order, and we can help you gather all necessary evidence and documentation. For further information on how we can assist you with your restraining order, contact May Law, LLP today.

Legal Standards In Restraining Order Cases

In Virginia, obtaining a restraining order requires meeting a certain legal threshold. Unlike in criminal cases where guilt must be proven “beyond a reasonable doubt,” restraining order proceedings adhere to a lower standard of proof known as “preponderance of the evidence.” This means that the petitioner must demonstrate that it is more likely than not that the alleged abuse or threat occurred.

The Burden On The Petitioner

Our Fairfax restraining order attorney understands the significance of the burden placed on the petitioner. Initiating legal action to obtain a restraining order can be a daunting step, often undertaken in the midst of fear and uncertainty. However, with the guidance of knowledgeable legal counsel, petitioners can navigate the process with greater confidence. We will walk you through the process of filing for a restraining order step-by-step, ensuring that you remain in control and aware of all requirements, proceedings, and their implications.

The Importance Of Evidence

Central to establishing the preponderance of evidence is the presentation of compelling proof supporting the petitioner’s claims. This evidence may include witness testimony, medical records, photographs, and any other relevant documentation corroborating the allegations of abuse or threat. Gathering as much evidence as possible is vital. Our team will help you understand what evidence is necessary and help you collect this evidence.

Challenges In Meeting The Burden Of Proof

Despite the lower standard of proof required in restraining order cases, petitioners may still encounter challenges in meeting this burden. Respondents may contest the allegations, present contradictory evidence, or attempt to discredit the petitioner’s testimony. In such instances, skilled legal representation becomes invaluable in effectively advocating for the petitioner’s interests. We will work hard to ensure that all evidence to support your case is presented and that you receive the restraining order that you need and deserve.

Receiving Our Dedicated Professional Assistance

Restraining order hearings serve as the forum in which evidence is presented, arguments are heard, and decisions are made. These proceedings demand thorough preparation, strategic advocacy, and a nuanced understanding of Virginia’s legal framework. 

If you are in need of a Virginia restraining order lawyer who will prioritize your interests and vigorously defend your rights, our firm is right for you. Our experienced legal team is standing by to provide the compassionate guidance and skilled representation you deserve. Don’t wait any longer to assert your legal rights and safeguard your well-being. Contact May Law, LLP today to schedule a consultation with our restraining order lawyer.

Reasons Why A Restraining Order Can Be Issued

Restraining orders, also known as protective orders or orders of protection, are court-issued legal documents designed to protect individuals from harassment, abuse, or violence by another person. These orders are typically sought by individuals who have been victims of domestic violence, stalking, harassment, or other forms of abuse. While the specific reasons for seeking a restraining order can vary depending on the circumstances of each case, there are four common reasons why restraining orders are often issued. For more detailed information about your particular situation, a Fairfax restraining order lawyer from our firm can help.

Domestic Violence

One of the most common reasons for seeking a restraining order is domestic violence. Domestic violence can take many forms, including physical, emotional, sexual, or financial abuse, and can occur within intimate partner relationships, marriages, or familial relationships. Victims of domestic violence may seek a restraining order to protect themselves and their children from further harm by prohibiting the abuser from contacting or harassing them, coming near their home or workplace, or possessing firearms. As a Fairfax restraining order lawyer  can explain, restraining orders can provide immediate relief and protection for victims of domestic violence and empower them to take steps to ensure their safety and well-being.


Stalking is another common reason for seeking a restraining order. Stalking involves unwanted and obsessive behavior, such as following, monitoring, harassing, or threatening an individual, that causes fear or distress. Stalking behaviors can be perpetrated by current or former partners, acquaintances, strangers, or even family members. Victims of stalking may seek a restraining order to prevent the stalker from contacting or approaching them, as well as to establish legal consequences for violating the order. Restraining orders can help victims of stalking regain a sense of control over their lives and protect themselves from ongoing harassment and intimidation.


Harassment is a broad category of behavior encompassing unwanted or repeated communications, actions, or behaviors that cause an individual’s fear, distress, or emotional harm. Harassment can occur in various contexts, including in-person interactions, phone calls, emails, text messages, social media, or other forms of communication. Victims of harassment may seek a restraining order to compel the harasser to cease all contact and communication with them, as well as to prevent further acts of harassment or intimidation. Restraining orders can provide a legal remedy for harassment victims and help them establish boundaries to protect their privacy and well-being.

Child Custody And Visitation Disputes

Restraining orders may also be issued in the context of child custody and visitation disputes, particularly in cases where there are concerns about the safety or welfare of the children involved. In such cases, a parent may seek a restraining order to prevent the other parent from having contact with the children or to establish specific conditions or limitations on visitation, such as supervised visitation or exchanges. Restraining orders in child custody cases are intended to safeguard the best interests of the children and ensure their safety and well-being in potentially contentious or volatile situations.

If you are concerned for your safety and would like to speak with a Fairfax restraining order lawyer about taking steps to protect yourself and your family, call May Law, LLP for legal assistance.

Restraining Order FAQs

As a Fairfax, VA restraining order lawyer can explain, restraining orders, also known as protective orders or orders of protection, are legal documents issued by a court that require an individual to refrain from specific actions against another person. They are intended to provide safety and protection to victims of harassment, abuse, stalking, or domestic violence. Here are four frequently asked questions (FAQs) about restraining orders. For more detailed information, contact May Law, LLP.

What Types Of Behaviors Can A Restraining Order Protect Against?

Restraining orders typically prohibit specific actions or behaviors that pose a threat or harm to the petitioner (the person seeking protection). These behaviors can include:

  • Physical Abuse: Restraining orders can prevent the respondent (the person against whom the order is issued) from physically assaulting, hitting, or harming the petitioner.
  • Contact: They can prohibit the respondent from contacting the petitioner, whether in person, by phone, through email, text messages, or social media.
  • Stalking: Restraining orders may prevent the respondent from following, surveilling, or monitoring the petitioner’s activities.
  • Harassment: They can prohibit the respondent from harassing or intimidating the petitioner, including making threats or engaging in verbal abuse.
  • Property Damage: Restraining orders can forbid the respondent from damaging or destroying the petitioner’s property.
  • Child Custody and Visitation: In cases involving children, restraining orders can address custody and visitation arrangements to protect the children and the petitioner.

Restraining order Infographic

Behaviors A Restraining Order Can Protect Against Infographic

How Do I Obtain A Restraining Order?

The process for obtaining a restraining order varies by jurisdiction but generally involves these steps, all of which a Fairfax restraining order lawyer can help you with:

  • Filing a Petition: The petitioner completes and files a petition for a restraining order with the appropriate court. This may involve providing detailed information about the incidents of harassment, abuse, or threats.
  • Temporary Restraining Order (TRO): In emergency situations, a judge may issue a temporary restraining order (TRO) ex parte (without the respondent present) based on the petitioner’s allegations and evidence of immediate danger.
  • Court Hearing: Both parties can present their sides of the case at a hearing. The petitioner must prove that the respondent’s behavior meets the legal criteria for a restraining order.
  • Issuance of Order: If the judge determines that sufficient evidence supports the need for protection, they will issue a restraining order detailing the prohibited behaviors and the order duration.

How Long Does A Restraining Order Last?

The duration of a restraining order varies depending on the circumstances and the jurisdiction’s laws. In many cases:

  • Temporary Orders: Temporary restraining orders (TROs) are typically issued for a short period, such as a few weeks until a formal hearing can be held.
  • Permanent Orders: Permanent restraining orders can last for several months to several years, depending on the severity of the case and ongoing threats posed by the respondent.
  • Renewal and Modification: In some jurisdictions, restraining orders can be renewed or extended if the petitioner can demonstrate an ongoing need for protection. They can also be modified to address changing circumstances.

What Happens If A Restraining Order Is Violated?

Violating a restraining order is a serious offense that can result in legal consequences for the respondent. Consequences may include:

  • Arrest: Law enforcement officers can arrest the respondent if they violate the terms of the restraining order, even if the violation is minor.
  • Contempt of Court: The court may find the respondent in contempt for disregarding the restraining order, which can lead to fines, community service, or jail time.
  • Additional Legal Actions: Violations of restraining orders can strengthen the petitioner’s case in ongoing legal proceedings, such as divorce or child custody disputes.

Both parties must understand the terms and implications of a restraining order to comply with its conditions and avoid further legal consequences.

Contact Our Law Firm for Legal Assistance

Restraining orders are legal tools designed to protect individuals from harassment, abuse, stalking, or threats. They provide specific prohibitions against certain behaviors, which can be obtained through a court process that varies by jurisdiction. If you are in fear for your safety, a Fairfax, VA restraining order lawyer from our office can explain what legal options you may have. Call May Law, LLP today for a free consultation to learn more.

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