Traffic Violation Lawyer Fairfax, VA
Professional Legal Assistance After A Traffic Violation
Traffic tickets are easy to brush off, but they can easily pile up and snowball into serious consequences. If you have been charged with any driving infraction, we recommend working with our experienced Fairfax, VA traffic violation lawyer to protect your rights and challenge your charges. Our firm is dedicated to fighting for your best outcome. For more information on how we can assist you with your traffic violation defense, contact May Law, LLP today and schedule an initial consultation.
Table Of Contents
Top 4 Traffic Violation Myths
When it comes to traffic stops, you probably have heard many different stories. People may be full of advice about getting out of a ticket, but how do you know the information is accurate? A lot of misinformation spreads about traffic tickets, so it is always safer to ask for the advice of a traffic violation lawyer in Fairfax VA.
You Can Speed While Passing
Many people believe if others are speeding, they can also speed. For example, if the speed limit is 60 MPH but the majority of traffic is moving at 70 MPH doesn’t mean you won’t receive a ticket if an officer pulls you over. Likewise, many drivers claim they can speed as long as they pass. No matter the reason you want to pass, you have to continue to drive the speed limit. No matter the reason, if you speed, an officer can pull you over.
Red Cars Attract Tickets
One of the most common misconceptions is that red cars attract police. No evidence shows a bias towards car color. Those who drive a red car are no more likely to receive a ticket than someone who drives a white or gray vehicle. While a bold car may be more noticeable, it doesn’t mean that it’ll receive more attention from the police. If you think the color of your car had an impact on your ticket, discuss your theories with a traffic violation lawyer in Fairfax VA.
Officers Have to Show Up
If the officer who ticketed you doesn’t show up at court, it doesn’t mean that you’re going to get out of a ticket. An officer has to show up only if you appeal the initial trial. If you want to fight a ticket, you should always have a defense rather than counting on the officer being absent.
Police Make Stops Due To Ticket Quotas
You may think that the only reason an officer pulled you over is that he or she had to make a ticket quota. Most departments do not have a quota and those that do, have such a limited quota do not need to scramble at the end of the month to reach the limit.
Types of Traffic Violations
Speaking with our Fairfax traffic violation lawyer as soon as you have received a driving citation is in your best interest because it will help you mount a successful defense. Our attorney may be able to notice details in your case that you are not aware of. When a strong legal strategy does not result in outright dismissal, our experienced attorney can help to mitigate potential consequences. The following are a few examples of traffic violation cases we routinely handle:
In Virginia, basic speeding law prohibits driving at a speed greater than is reasonable under the circumstances and traffic conditions existing at the time, regardless of any posted speed limit. This means that safe speed is determined by certain conditions (such as the weather and/or time of day) and not necessarily the speed limit itself. While it may be safe to drive 55 mph on a dry road in the middle of the summer, it could be very dangerous to drive at the same speed on a dark snowy winter night.
Speeding is usually a traffic infraction, punished with a fine and court costs. Even though it may seem like a minor traffic offense, speeding violations should be taken very seriously. Though your initial fine may seem small, you may have to pay more in other areas that you did not expect. Virginia DMV usually assesses demerit points against the driver, which in turn increases car insurance rates and, in some cases, causes the cancellation of the insurance policy altogether. In extreme circumstances, a driver’s license may be suspended or revoked, based on the accumulated number of demerit points.
These are just a few of the consequences that can occur following a speeding ticket. Make sure to contact our traffic lawyer immediately when cited with a speeding offense.
Aggressive Driving
In Virginia, aggressive driving is a Class 2 Misdemeanor. It is a criminal offense punishable by up to six months in jail and a fine of up to $1,000. If convicted, aggressive driving creates a life-long criminal record. Our traffic violation lawyer may be able to help convince a judge to reduce or dismiss the aggressive driving charge, especially when you have a good driving record, and this is your first “aggressive” traffic incident.
Aggressive driving involves driving in a way that intimidates, harasses, or injures another person (or people). Some examples of aggressive driving are following too closely, improper passing, weaving in and out of traffic, failure to give way, and speeding with the intent to harass or intimidate another person.
To be convicted of aggressive driving, it must be proved that 1) a person is guilty of at least one specific traffic violation (such as failure to obey traffic signs or to maintain a safe distance when driving behind another car) and 2) a person was a hazard to another person or committed a given traffic violation with the intent to harass, injure, or intimidate another person. When you hire May Law, our team will provide a strong defense by challenging the often-subjective reasons of why the alleged aggressive driving was committed.
Reckless Driving
Under the Virginia State Code Section 46.2-852, reckless driving is driving in a manner that 1) is reckless, 2) endangers the life, limb, or property of another person, or 3) is at a high speed. In Virginia, reckless driving is a Class 1 Misdemeanor, which is a criminal offense.
The penalties include up to 12 months in jail, maximum of $2500 in fines, suspension of driving privileges for up to 6 months, and have 6 demerit points assessed to a driving record.
You should not wait to seek the help of a lawyer who can help you figure out your next steps. With each passing day in which you don’t take action, it only makes it more difficult for a lawyer to build your defense. If you’ve been cited with a reckless driving offense in Virginia, our traffic defense lawyer in Fairfax can help you.
Hit And Run
In Virginia, failure to provide (exchange) certain information after an accident and instead fleeing the scene is considered a serious criminal offense. Hit and run is classified either as a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the amount of property damage and/or any bodily injury.
For example, if the property damage is less than $250, the offense is a Class 4 Misdemeanor punishable usually by a fine. If, on the other hand, the property damage is more than $1,000 and/or someone was injured, the offense is a Class 5 Felony for the driver and Class 6 Felony for the passenger. A Class 5 Felony is punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a Class 6 Felony by up to 5 years. Such a serious offense requires an experienced and knowledgeable lawyer. Our team at May Law LLP will help you understand your rights and help you defend your freedom.
Do’s & Don’ts During A Traffic Stop
Being ticketed or arrested for traffic violations can be an overwhelming experience. You may not know why you’re being ticketed or arrested because your nervous system is working on overdrive, clouding your thinking. Here are some do’s and don’ts from May Law to help get you through the process more easily.
Do Be Polite
When you’re interacting with the police and the courts, always be polite. Be courteous. Show the other person that you’re willing to comply with their instructions. Police officers often write in their reports whether you were polite and cooperative or belligerent and rude. Acting in accordance with officials can go a long way to reducing the fines, jail time, or license suspension you may be facing.
Do Write Everything Down
As soon as you’re able to do so, write down everything that happened. Ask the police officer for the proper spelling of their name and their badge number. Write down what you were doing when you were pulled over. Make note of where you were coming from and where you were going. You want to write everything down so your emotions don’t overwhelm you, causing you to lose sight of important details.
Do Be Prepared
When you go to court for your traffic violation, be prepared. Even if you don’t work with a traffic violation lawyer in Fairfax, VA, you can still look up the infraction you were charged with and what its potential sentence looks like. Pay attention in court to other cases that may be similar to yours. If someone else gets a reduced sentence, make note of what happened that made that possible.
Don’t Pay the Fine
You may be tempted to pay the fine to avoid having to go to court at all. Paying the fine would help you avoid the need to go to court. But it wouldn’t prevent demerit points from being assigned to your license. With enough demerit points, your license could be suspended. A traffic violation lawyer in Fairfax, VA, such as May Law can help you figure out how many demerits you have, how many you could receive for your traffic violation and how long your license could be suspended.
Don’t Try To Go It Alone
Traffic law is complicated and can feel daunting to try to deal with on your own. Hire a traffic violation lawyer in Fairfax, VA, to help you weave your way through the maze of violations, demerit points, fines, jail time and license suspension. Your attorney is your advocate and your partner in successfully defending yourself in a court of law.
Fairfax Traffic Violation Infographic
Fairfax Traffic Violation Statistics
In the United States, there are over 41 million traffic tickets are issued each year. This is equal to about 125,000 tickets per day.
The most common traffic violations include speeding, driving without a license, reckless driving, driving under the influence (DUI), failure to yield the right of war, and failure to wear a seatbelt.
How long do points stay on my driving record?
In Virginia, points will remain on your driving record for two years. After that time period has passed, the points won’t affect your driving privileges anymore.
What happens if I drive on a suspended license?
If you accumulate too many points on your driving record, you may be at risk of losing your driver’s license. If you attempt to drive on a suspended license, you will face more severe penalties, such as jail time. To avoid this, take public transportation or ask friends and family to give you rides.
How fast do I have to be going to be charged with reckless driving?
Reckless driving in Virginia depends on the road where you’re driving. Going 20 mph or more over a listed speed limit is always considered reckless driving. If you’re on a highway with a posted speed limit of 55 mph, you can be charged for reckless driving at 75 mph or above.
There is another important factor to consider. In Virginia, any speed above 85 mph is automatically considered reckless driving, no matter the posted speed limit. On interstate highways such as I-64, I-81, I-95 or I-85, the speed limit is 70 mph. You can be arrested even if you’re only going 16 mph above the speed limit while passing.
There may be mitigating factors in play. For example, what should a husband who is rushing his wife to the hospital emergency room? A traffic violation lawyer in Fairfax, VA, can help you put together a strong case in these situations.
How does a reckless driving charge affect my license in Virginia?
The penalties for reckless driving charges and other misdemeanors depending on the circumstances. You can have your license suspended for up to six months. One of the ways a traffic violation lawyer in Fairfax, VA, can help is by convincing the judge to reduce a lower suspension time or impose alternative penalties, such as a restricted license that lets you continue to commute to work.
When driving violations involve felonies, the effect on your license can be more severe. You can lose it for up to three years.
Felony charges can appear if you’ve been charged in the past for DUI or DWI. Talk with our team at May Law right away if you’ve been charged with a felony. We may be able to reduce the charge to a misdemeanor and help you get your license back.
Should I just pay the ticket and go to traffic school?
This is one of the options that you have and, unfortunately, one of the options that many people choose to take. Instead of fighting for their defense with the help of our traffic defense law firm, many people think that a traffic ticket is not a big deal.
However, this can leave you worse off in the future, especially when it comes to potential future tickets. So, while you could pay for the ticket and go to traffic school, we recommend working with our team to try to get your charges reduced or completely dropped. When the court drops your charges, it means you will not have to face penalties and you do not have to go to traffic school.
What if I can’t pay my ticket?
If you do not have the means to pay a traffic ticket right away, be honest with the judge. He or she may be able to reduce the fine or set up a payment plan. Do not just ignore the ticket, as this can result in additional penalties.
When you need help with your traffic ticket, you should contact us at May Law, LLP. Our attorneys do not advise that you do pay your ticket or attempt to defend yourself in court. The police officer who gives you the traffic ticket is likely to use anything that you say against you when it comes to presenting evidence in court. That means that even if you are telling the officer that it was an accident or that you did not mean to violate the law, it will not be used in your favor. Similarly, if you defend yourself in court, it is likely that you may say something that is incriminating. Our Fairfax traffic violation lawyer is familiar with the standard courtroom procedures and knows how to help file your paperwork and defend you in court. Leave it to our team to represent you when you have been given a traffic ticket.
Fairfax Traffic Violation Glossary
If you’ve received a traffic citation and are unsure of the consequences, consulting our Fairfax VA traffic violation lawyer can provide clarity on your legal options. Our team at May Law, LLP can explain legal terminology, helping you navigate the process more effectively. Traffic laws vary by state, but certain legal terms are commonly used when dealing with traffic infractions, violations, and related legal proceedings. Below are five key legal terms frequently encountered when working with a traffic violation lawyer and their detailed definitions.
A citation is a formal notice issued by a law enforcement officer to a driver who has allegedly violated a traffic law. This document serves as an official record of the infraction and typically includes details such as the date, time, location of the violation, and the specific traffic law that was broken. A citation may require the driver to pay a fine, appear in traffic court, or take corrective action such as attending a driving course. Failure to respond to a citation can lead to additional penalties, including license suspension or an arrest warrant.
Moving Violation
A moving violation occurs when a driver breaks a traffic law while the vehicle is in motion. Common examples include speeding, running a red light, reckless driving, and failing to signal when changing lanes. These violations are typically considered more serious than non-moving violations, such as parking infractions because they pose a direct risk to public safety. Accumulating multiple moving violations within a short period can lead to increased insurance rates, license suspension, or even mandatory court appearances.
Court Supervision
Court supervision is a legal arrangement that allows a driver to avoid a formal conviction for a traffic offense by meeting certain conditions set by the court. These conditions may include paying fines, completing a traffic safety course, maintaining a clean driving record for a specific period, or performing community service. If the driver successfully meets all the conditions, the charge may be dismissed, preventing it from appearing on their driving record. However, failure to comply can result in additional penalties, including fines, points on the driver’s license, or even jail time in more serious cases.
Reckless Driving
Reckless driving is a serious traffic offense that involves operating a vehicle with willful disregard for the safety of others. Examples include excessive speeding (usually 20 mph or more over the limit), aggressive driving, street racing, and weaving through traffic dangerously. Unlike minor traffic infractions, reckless driving is often classified as a misdemeanor or even a felony in severe cases. Penalties can include hefty fines, license suspension, mandatory driving courses, increased insurance rates, and potential jail time. Our skilled traffic violation lawyer can help reduce or challenge reckless driving charges, depending on the circumstances of the case.
DUI (Driving Under The Influence)
Driving Under the Influence (DUI) refers to operating a motor vehicle while impaired by alcohol, drugs, or any other substance that affects a driver’s ability to safely control the vehicle. In most states, a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08% or higher constitutes a DUI offense. However, lower BAC levels can still lead to charges if impairment is evident. DUI penalties are severe and may include license suspension, heavy fines, mandatory alcohol education programs, installation of an ignition interlock device, and possible jail time. Repeat offenses often lead to harsher penalties, including felony charges in some states. Since 1995 our traffic violation lawyer has assisted in challenging the charges, negotiating reduced penalties, or exploring alternative sentencing options for our clients.
May Law, LLP
3900 University Dr, Suite 120, Fairfax, VA 22030
Contact Our Team Today
Don’t let a fatigued commute turn into a costly commute. When you contact our traffic violation lawyer, you are taking a major step to fighting back against years of high insurance prices and a long-term mark on your driving record. Whatever the circumstances behind your ticket, you deserve a shot at clearing your name. Fighting a ticket can be complicated and challenging, but fortunately May Law, LLP is ready to help. If you were pulled over because you made a minor mistake, get in touch with us today.
Fairfax Traffic Violation Lawyer Google Review
“Michael was fantastic to work with. Highly responsive, professional, and strategic, while simultaneously being empathetic and understanding. His calm demeanor is a wonderful asset and he helped make a stressful situation easier to handle.” – Chako M.
Client Review
“Both Mike and Amelia were very understanding and supportive during my Family Law situation. They are superior in Family Law knowledge and worked their absolute best to make sure I was kept informed at every step in the process and that I understood my legal rights. Never ever did I feel like I was alone in my difficult situation because they both are caring and compassionate in their work and to the people they represent. “
George Lockwood