traffic violation lawyer Fairfax, VA

Driver Fatigue’s Role in Traffic Violations

Understanding Driver Fatigue

Most people think driver fatigue is caused by a lack of sleep, but that’s just one of the many culprits. You can experience driver fatigue even if you had a long day at work, or if you just finished a hard day at the gym. If you’re tired and you’re driving, you’re dealing with driver fatigue in some way.

Fatigued driving is almost like drunk driving. It impairs your judgment and can lead to dangerous decisions behind the wheel. It can also lead to a lack of attention and a lot of minor slip-ups that can result in dangerous accidents or minor infractions when you’re an otherwise safe and responsible driver. If you have been charged with a traffic violation due to driver fatigue, contact our Fairfax, VA traffic violation lawyer today.

How Traffic Fatigue Leads to Traffic Violations

Everyone gets tired behind the wheel at some point, and a traffic violation lawyer in Fairfax, Virginia can help if you’ve been pulled over and ticketed for a temporary lapse in judgment. When it comes to traffic violations, many people don’t usually think of fatigue. Prolonged tiredness leads to many traffic violations each day, and it is a cause that is often overlooked. Many people believe they can simply fight through fatigue and are often pressured to do so because they want to reach their destination in time. Fatigue happens to the best of us, and while fatigue can cause dangerous accidents, it can also cause minor traffic infractions, too.

Driving a car requires a lot of attention and care, and if you’re fatigued you just can’t concentrate on every little thing. People have their own tricks to keep themselves awake, whether it’s blasting loud music or drinking way too much coffee or energy drinks. But these are only crutches that keep us on the road when we aren’t at our safest or most attentive. Fatigue can even cause dangerous incidents such as microsleep, which is when a person suddenly falls asleep for a few seconds, losing control of the wheel. 

Driving while tired is a major cause of accidents in the United States, and it can cause its fair share of tickets, too. Read on to learn more about fatigued driving, and how a traffic violation lawyer in Fairfax, VA can help if you’re facing a hefty traffic ticket.

Warning Signs of Driver Fatigue

If you want to be proactive about fatigued driving, you need to understand the signs. If you notice you’ve been swerving between lanes – or even just within your lane – it might be time to call it a night and find someplace to sleep. If you can’t seem to remember the last few minutes of your commute, you’re dangerously tired.

Driver fatigue leads to stupid mistakes and traffic accidents. It can also lead to traffic tickets since you just aren’t on top of your game. When you’re tired, you’re more prone to making mistakes, and if any cops are watching, they’ll pull you over and ticket you. A traffic ticket means a whole host of problems over time, so it’s important to contact a traffic violation lawyer in Fairfax, VA.

If you recently received a traffic ticket, you may want to speak to a traffic violation lawyer in Fairfax, VA. Having a traffic ticket on your driving record can have several consequences, such as getting your driver’s license suspended. Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about traffic tickets.

 Contact Our Fairfax Traffic Violation Lawyer Today

If you were charged with a traffic violation in Fairfax VA, you should take is very seriously.  Contact our traffic violation lawyer Fairfax VA to set up a free, no further obligations consultation.  Call May Law, LLP and start to defend your case!

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