Family Law

Husbands can be Battered Too!

When scanning the docket of domestic relations cases these days, it is unfortunately not uncommon to find allegations of verbal and physical abuse between spouses.  Stereotypically, one might assume that this kind of unfortunate behavior only involves husbands who are abusive to their wives.  However, the fact of the matter is that either husbands or wives can be the victims of abuse. For example, in the recent Fairfax County Circuit Court case of  Ibrayeva v.…

Husbands can be Battered Too! Read More »

House Underwater? Court May Force you to Work it out with your Ex.

In strong economic times, divorce cases are often litigated over the division of assets.  Parties spend thousands and thousands of dollars arguing over who gets the house, the car, or even the family dog.  In more difficult economic times like those we are experiencing today, parties and their attorneys have to pick their battles carefully in order to limit the costs of litigation.  And when deciding whether something should be litigated or settled, they also

House Underwater? Court May Force you to Work it out with your Ex. Read More »