What is the crime of Computer Harassment / Stalking? A recent case from the Court of Appeals answers this question and gives a good explanation of how even “implied” threats can violate the law.
A man previously convicted of stalking his ex-girlfriend was convicted on Computer Harassment stemming from repeated messages to her. The Court of Appeals affirmed his conviction.
Virginia Code sec. 18.2-152.7:1 criminalizes the sending of computer messages that communicate obscene, vulgar, profane, lewd, lascivious or indecent language; or make any suggestion or proposal of an obscene nature; or threaten any illegal or immoral act.
In this case, the man did not overtly violate this statue. The Court recognized that the e-mail texts weren’t literally violations. However, because of the context, the threats were implied. The context included a prior stalking conviction, the sending of 40 messages over a few days, and repeated appeals to sex. The Court found an implied threat: if the victim did not apologize for refusing to acknowledge their sexual relationship and thereafter express her willingness to continue it she would pay a price.