protective order lawyer Fairfax VA

Domestic Violence Statistics And Protective Orders

In Virginia, domestic violence remains a critical issue. According to the Lorena Gallo Foundation, 31.3% of women in the state experience intimate partner violence, including physical abuse, rape, and stalking, during their lifetime. Virginia is among the top ten states with the highest rates of female murders by males, and in Prince William County, deaths related to domestic violence nearly doubled from 2018 to 2019. Furthermore, 80% of intimate partner violence incidents involving college-aged women go unreported, highlighting the pervasive nature of this issue.

Protective Orders: A Lifeline For Survivors

Protective orders (POs) play a vital role in helping survivors of domestic violence escape dangerous situations and regain control of their lives. A PO is a legal document issued by a court to protect individuals from harm by an abuser. In Virginia, protective orders can be issued in three forms: emergency, preliminary, and permanent. Each provides varying lengths of protection, from 72 hours to up to two years.

  • Immediate Safety: One of the primary functions of a protective order is to provide immediate safety to survivors. Once an emergency or preliminary order is granted, the abuser is legally required to cease contact, leave shared residences, and stay away from the victim’s workplace, home, or school. This creates an immediate barrier between the abuser and the survivor, significantly reducing the risk of further violence.
  • Legal Consequences for Violators: A protective order also has legal consequences for violators. If the abuser disregards the conditions of the PO, they can face arrest, fines, or even imprisonment. This added layer of legal protection gives survivors a sense of security and acts as a deterrent for further abuse.
  • Financial and Custody Protections: Protective orders in Virginia can include provisions beyond physical safety. They can grant temporary custody of children to the survivor, prohibit the abuser from accessing shared financial resources, and require the abuser to provide temporary child or spousal support. These measures help survivors maintain financial stability and protect their children while recovering from the trauma of abuse.
  • Support for Long-Term Recovery: A permanent protective order that lasts up to two years provides a longer-term solution for survivors who may need time to rebuild their lives. These orders offer legal protection and allow survivors to access community resources such as counseling, legal assistance, and safe housing, which are crucial for long-term recovery.

Despite the availability of protective orders, challenges remain. Many survivors are reluctant to pursue legal action due to fear of retaliation, lack of resources, or concerns about the system’s effectiveness. However, for those who do seek legal protection, protective orders can provide an essential lifeline.

Contact Our Office For Legal Help

If you are a domestic violence survivor, May Law LLP can help you take the steps to protect yourself and your family. Call our office today for a confidential consultation with a Fairfax, VA protective order lawyer.

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