Traffic Lawyer Fairfax, VA

Dedicated Assistance After a Traffic Violation

Virginia has some of the harshest laws when it comes to traffic violations. If you have been charged with reckless driving, it’s in your best interest to hire our Fairfax, VA traffic lawyer. We’re here to protect your freedom, your finances, and your rights. Reckless driving is an especially serious charge that can be penalized with harsh consequences. It has taken many residents of the state off guard to realize that they could be facing jail time for a traffic violation such as reckless driving. 

Being charged with something as serious as reckless driving can do lasting damage to your life. It can stay on your record for years after the incident. Obtaining legal help could be one of the best ways you can protect yourself if you are charged with reckless driving. There are some serious consequences that can happen and if you try to represent yourself these things can only get worse. If you have found yourself in this spot then the team at May Law, LLP can help you. 

traffic lawyer Fairfax, VA

Table Of Contents:

Fighting a Traffic Violation

Whether it is because you are running late and are trying to reach your destination or unknowingly having too much to drink, you could be charged with a traffic violation for many reasons. If a police officer suspects any kind of illegal activity, they will not hesitate to pull you over. What you do in a traffic stop is crucial, and the actions you take can sway your case. If you are charged with reckless driving in particular, you should be aware of how to take action so that you can protect your legal rights. 

Many people don’t think much of the consequences of reckless driving, but they can be quite steep. You could be facing fines, the loss of your driver’s license, and months or years in jail. The consequences can stay with you for years if you are convicted. In the state of Virginia, reckless driving is considered a class 1 misdemeanor. If you are convicted you can face penalties such as six points on your driving record, up to a $2,500 fine, maximum one year jail time, six months of suspension of driving privileges, a criminal record, and more.

Not only that but your auto insurance rates do increase and you could be ineligible to rent a car. These obstacles can make your life difficult. A conviction can also affect your government security clearances and contract eligibility for military or law enforcement personnel. When you have a reckless driving conviction, you are not just inconvenienced but many aspects of your life can be affected in major ways.

There are lasting consequences as once you have a criminal record there is no getting rid of it. It will stay on your record permanently. When you go to apply for a new job many employers do background checks and check for any criminal records. They will not be encouraged to hire you if they find that you have a traffic violation. You will have to say yes you have one if you have been found guilty of reckless driving. This can easily mean you don’t get the job and have to keep looking.  

Reckless driving in Virginia is taken seriously. With a high fine and a criminal record, it can be daunting to tackle on your own. However, if you are facing a traffic violation charge, especially reckless driving, it is not too late to get help if you act at the right time.  If you have found yourself facing the charges of reckless driving it is often in your best interest to contact a lawyer. Don’t hesitate and contact a traffic violation lawyer in Fairfax VA with the team at May Law LLP as you shouldn’t have to tackle this alone and face the consequence.

The Long-Term Impact of a Traffic Ticket

A traffic ticket lawyer in Fairfax, Virginia, can help you fight your traffic ticket – and once you read up on the long-term impact of a traffic ticket, you’ll want a lawyer more than ever. There are many benefits to hiring a lawyer, even though the process may be time-consuming and may be costly. However, it is worth the investment if it helps you avoid the worst consequences. A ticket may not seem like a big deal, and everyone gets one at some point in time. But the price of a ticket goes much further than just the fine.

Unfortunately, a ticket is just the tip of the iceberg. If you were ticketed, your insurance prices are going to spike over the next couple of years. You might actually end up paying more on increased insurance prices than you paid for your actual ticket. Of course, you could always attend traffic school to avoid a mark on your record, but that costs money too. It’s legal to fight your traffic, and you should. You don’t want to be dealing with increased insurance costs and a mark on your driving record, especially for years into the future. Read on to learn how your legal team might fight your ticket, and see how May Law, LLP can help.

Understanding Reckless Driving Charges in Virginia

What is reckless driving?  A traffic lawyer in Fairfax, VA knows that under the State Code Section 46.2-852, reckless driving is defined as driving in a manner that: is deemed reckless, endangers the life, limb, or property of another person, or is at a high speed.

In other words, most reckless driving charges in Virginia are defined as either reckless generally or reckless by speed.

Recklessness generally usually involves an accident, although not every accident is caused by reckless driving. Reckless by speed usually means driving at a speed greater than 80 miles per hour, regardless of the posted speed limit, or driving at a speed exceeding the posted speed limit by 20 miles per hour.  It could also mean driving too fast for the conditions (wet road, gloomy weather, etc.), regardless of the posted speed limit; passing an emergency vehicle with its lights on, or passing a school bus that is picking up or dropping off children. Call a traffic lawyer in Fairfax, VA right away if charged with reckless driving. Remember, May Law L.L.P. can help you fight a conviction!

Virginia takes reckless driving offenses very seriously.  Both reckless generally and reckless by speed are Class 1 Misdemeanors, which means they are criminal, not traffic, in nature.  Some of the penalties include 1) up to 12 months in jail, 2) a maximum of $2,500 in fines, 3) having driving privileges suspended for up to 6 months, and 4) having 6 demerit points assessed to your driving record. Contact an experienced traffic lawyer in Fairfax, VA at May Law L.L.P. to learn about your potential defenses. Being convicted of reckless driving in Virginia is a very serious matter.

In some instances, reckless driving becomes a Class 6 Felony, as opposed to a Class 1 Misdemeanor.  Under the State Code Section 46.2-868, a person who was found guilty of reckless driving that directly caused the death of another person or a person who was found guilty and was driving on a revoked or suspended driver’s license could be convicted of a Class 6 Felony.

Felonies are much more serious offenses than misdemeanors and carry much harsher penalties, including prison time, one to three years of license suspension, probation, extremely high fines, and court costs.

Virginia’s Driver Improvement Program

When a person receives a traffic violation conviction, the courts notify the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). A traffic lawyer Fairfax VA residents rely from May Law, LLP has represented many clients fighting their traffic violations. For those who decide to not fight the violation and pay the fine, or for those who decide they do not need a lawyer and end up with a conviction, that conviction is posted on their driving record by the DMV. As a traffic lawyer in Fairfax VA may explain, these convictions may end up as demerit points on your driving record. Too many points can result in you losing your license.

The Point System

Depending on the severity of the violation, a conviction can mean the DMV will assign either three, four, or six demerit points for the offense or violation. Many other states have point systems similar to Virginia’s system, but keep in mind that the specifics of each system may change at any time. If you have additional questions about your own driving record, don’t hesitate to contact a dependable attorney.

  • If a driver (who is 18 or older) receives eight points in a 12-month period or 12 points within a 24-month period, they may receive a warning letter from the DMV. This letter contains the potential consequences of breaking Virginia’s driving laws.
  • If a driver receives 12 points in 12 months or 18 points in 24 months, they may be required to complete a driver safety program within 90 days of notification.
  • If a driver receives 18 points in 12 months, or 24 points in 24 months, the state of Virginia will suspend their driving privileges for 90 days.

The demerit point penalty system tends to be even harsher for drivers who are under 18 years of age. If a young driver receives even one point, they may be required to complete a driver safety program within 90 days of notification. If that driver receives a second traffic violation conviction, their driving privileges may be suspended for 90 days. A third conviction means they could lose their license for one year, or until they turn 18.

4 Common Types of Reckless Driving Charges

As a Virginia resident, a reckless driving charge can have a serious impact on your driving record, insurance costs, and even your personal life. This charge covers a variety of actions behind the wheel, so making an appointment to see our Fairfax traffic lawyer can help you understand the severity of a charge and your legal options. 

  • Failure To Yield 

Failing to yield for oncoming traffic or while navigating a traffic circle is considered reckless because it likely increases the risk of accidents and injuries. In most cases, failure to yield is accidental and usually the result of distracted driving, but since you must maintain control of your vehicle at all times and obey all posted traffic rules, you might still receive a citation. 

  • Speeding 

Speeding is one of the most common violations that fall under the reckless driving category. You may speed for several reasons, such as being late for work or a medical appointment. In some cases, familiarity with the area may cause you to travel faster than you might in places that you do not know as well. However, since speeding can lead to a serious accident, the citation you receive may result in a fine. Your traffic lawyer in Fairfax VA can help you understand the particulars of the charge and what to expect if your case goes to court. 

  • Unsafe Passing 

Heavy traffic patterns during commute times or holidays may cause you to feel frustrated and practice unsafe passing, such as attempting to pass traffic on a curve or when road signs indicate that passing is unsafe or not permitted in that area. The potential fine for this type of offense may vary depending on whether you break any traffic laws, such as disobeying caution signs while attempting to pass others or passing on a double solid yellow line. 

  • Under-the-Limit DUI 

Driving while intoxicated is a serious offense throughout the state, but the type of citation you receive may vary depending on your blood alcohol level. If your BAC tests below 0.08%, which is the threshold for drunk driving in most U.S. states, you may receive a citation for reckless driving and be considered impaired despite testing under the legal limit. 

Fairfax Traffic Law Infographic


Fairfax Traffic Law Statistics

In the United States, there are over 41 million traffic tickets are issued each year. This is equal to about 125,000 tickets per day. The most common traffic violations include speeding, driving without a license, reckless driving, driving under the influence (DUI), failure to yield the right of way, and failure to wear a seat belt.

Traffic Tickets Issued in the U.S.


Common Traffic Violations in the U.S


Percentage Breakdown of Common Traffic Violations


Fairfax Traffic Law FAQs

How Does the Virginia Points System Work?

A traffic lawyer Fairfax VA drivers trust understands that a traffic violation conviction can result in negative actions being taken against a person’s driving privileges. Traffic violation convictions often end up as points on your driving record, which can cause your auto insurance premiums to increase. If you’ve received a traffic violation, don’t hesitate to consult with our Fairfax traffic lawyer.

What Is Considered Reckless Driving in Virginia?

There are several traffic violations that are considered so serious under Virginia traffic law that they are charged as criminal offenses. Reckless driving is when a driver operates their vehicle in a manner that exhibits a willful disregard for people’s safety and property around them. It can come in many forms and includes a broad range of scenarios and conduct. 

An officer may arrest you for reckless driving if they observe you driving a vehicle with faulty brakes, driving with an overloaded vehicle that obstructs view or controls, driving next to another vehicle on a one-lane road, failing to give proper signals, driving too fast for highway and traffic conditions, speeding over 20 mph in excess of the posted speed limit, failing to yield the right-of-way, or engaging in other reckless behavior.

What Should I Do if I et Pulled Over for a Traffic Violation?

Getting stopped by the police for a traffic violation can be a stressful experience. However, if you take the proper steps afterward, it can make things a little easier. Politely greet the police officer, turn off the radio and keep your hands visible. If the officer asks if you know why you were pulled over, say nothing. If you admit any kind of guilt, it can be used against you in court later.

Will a Traffic Ticket Affect My Car Insurance Premiums?

If you’re found guilty of a traffic violation, your insurance company will likely increase your car insurance rates. On the other hand, if your ticket is dismissed, you are found not guilty or placed on court supervision, the ticket will not go on your driving record, and your insurance premiums won’t increase.

Can I Lose My License Because of a Traffic Violation?

This is a common concern among people who receive traffic tickets. Whether or not you lose your driver’s license will depend on multiple factors, such as the offense you were ticketed for and how many points you already have on your driver’s license. For example, in Virginia, if you receive 18 demerit points in 12 months, your driver’s license will be suspended for 90 days.

What Is the Difference Between Infractions, Misdemeanors, and Felonies?

Traffic tickets can be called different things depending on the gravity of the offense. Infractions refer to common traffic violations, such as having a broken headlight or going a little over the speed limit. Infractions carry fines and other costs to pay, but no risk of jail time.

Misdemeanors are more serious traffic violations. They include reckless driving charges, DUIs, and DWIs. Misdemeanor offenses carry harsher fines, larger penalties for your driver’s license, and sometimes up to a year in jail.

Felonies related to accidents have even stronger penalties, including prison time for several years. You can usually only be charged with a felony if someone was killed or severely injured in an accident. For example, a DWI that results in the death of passengers may rise to a felony. This is more likely to happen when the driver in question has previous arrests for the same offense.

Should I Just Pay My Traffic Ticket?

The answer to this question depends on the specifics of your case. If you were only going a little over the speed limit, fines may not be overly expensive, though you will have to deal with higher insurance premiums. Things are different where reckless driving charges are involved. Excessive speeding or driving under the influence can have long-lasting consequences for your driver’s license, criminal record, employment and finances. Your license can be temporarily or permanently suspended. 

Don’t make a decision about paying any traffic tickets until you speak our Fairfax traffic lawyer. At May Law, we can analyze the circumstances of your case and provide recommendations you can trust.

traffic lawyer in Fairfax VA

Fairfax Traffic Glossary

Traffic laws can be complex, and hiring our Fairfax VA traffic lawyer can assist in minimizing penalties, reducing fines, or even dismissing charges. Since 1995, our experienced team at May Law, LLP has helped clients understand legal jargon, allowing them to navigate their cases more effectively. Below are five essential legal terms commonly encountered in traffic law and their definitions and explanations.

Reckless Driving

Reckless driving is a serious traffic offense that goes beyond simple speeding or minor infractions. It is defined as operating a vehicle with willful or wanton disregard for the safety of others or property. This charge is often issued when a driver is caught excessively speeding, driving aggressively, or engaging in dangerous maneuvers such as street racing. In many states, reckless driving is classified as a misdemeanor, which can result in hefty fines, license suspension, or even jail time. Our Fairfax traffic lawyer can help challenge these charges by presenting evidence that the driver’s actions did not meet the legal threshold for reckless driving.

Moving Violation

A moving violation occurs when a driver breaks traffic laws while the vehicle is in motion. This differs from non-moving violations, which typically involve parking infractions or mechanical issues, such as an expired registration. Common moving violations include speeding, running red lights, failing to yield, and improper lane changes. Moving violations often result in demerit points on a driver’s record, increased insurance premiums, and potential license suspension for repeat offenses. Our Fairfax traffic lawyer may be able to reduce the severity of the charge or negotiate alternative penalties, such as attending a defensive driving course.

Bench Trial

A bench trial is a court proceeding where a judge, rather than a jury, determines the outcome of the case. In traffic court, most cases are resolved through bench trials since traffic infractions typically do not warrant jury trials. During a bench trial, both the prosecution and defense present their arguments, evidence, and witness testimonies before the judge, who then renders a verdict. Traffic lawyers play a crucial role in these proceedings by cross-examining witnesses, challenging the validity of evidence (such as radar gun readings), and arguing for reduced penalties.

Bond Forfeiture

Bond forfeiture occurs when an individual fails to meet the conditions of their bail, resulting in the court keeping the posted bond amount. In traffic cases, this often happens when a defendant posts bail for a serious traffic offense but fails to appear in court on the scheduled date. As a result, the court issues a warrant for their arrest and retains the bail money. Our legal professionals can help prevent bond forfeiture by filing a motion to reschedule the court date or providing a valid reason for the defendant’s absence.

Failure To Appear (FTA)

Failure to appear (FTA) is a legal term used when a defendant does not show up for a scheduled court appearance. In traffic law, failing to appear for a ticketed violation can lead to severe consequences, including additional fines, a driver’s license suspension, or even a bench warrant for arrest. Some states impose automatic penalties, such as points on the driver’s record or a default guilty verdict. If you missed your court date, a traffic lawyer can assist in filing a motion to recall any warrants and reschedule your hearing to avoid further legal consequences.

May Law, LLP, Fairfax Traffic Lawyer

3900 University Dr Suite 120, Fairfax, VA 22030

Contact Our Fairfax Traffic Lawyer Today

Traffic laws are frequently updated, and staying informed can be challenging. At May Law, LLP, we stay abreast of the latest legal changes to provide our clients with knowledgeable and effective representation. We understand the impact that traffic violations can have on your life and livelihood. That’s why we’re dedicated to offering comprehensive legal services to those facing traffic-related charges.

If you have been cited for a traffic violation, it’s important to seek legal assistance promptly. The consequences of a conviction can be far-reaching, affecting not just your driving record but also your insurance rates and employment opportunities. Contact May Law, LLP today, and see how we can help you find your way forward.

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“Mike May and the May Law firm is always professional, thorough and provides sound, thoughtful advice. I’ve been a client for several years and am pleased with the representation I have received – not only does the team help you work towards the best possible legal solution, they do so with your best interests in mind. The team is well versed in the law, its nuances and when and where to forge forward with an argument and what all potential outcomes could be to allow you to make the best possible decisions for yourself.” – Carol

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“Michael May was extremely responsive, professional and conscience of my time and his when working with me. I would recommend him to anyone who is need of a great lawyer.”
Jason Dryer
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