Divorce Lawyer Fairfax VA
Our Divorce Lawyers in Fairfax, VA from May Law, LLP understand that enduring a divorce can be emotionally exhausting and time-consuming. For the most part, when a couple decides to move forward with a divorce, they want the whole thing over and done with as quickly as possible. Despite this, most states enforce a mandatory waiting period and, as a result, it can take six months to a year before a divorce can be finalized.
Mistakes To Avoid
Dealing with such a lengthy time period, it is common for people to make mistakes during a divorce. However, by obtaining May Law, LLP as your legal counsel, we can help prevent these common mistakes from occurring by providing you with the direction you require.
Seeking Revenge
Trying to hurt your ex by retaliating against them during the divorce can make a difficult situation even more challenging. By seeking revenge, you can make an already lengthy process even lengthier and more costly in the long run. This could result in a severed relationship with your ex and could even mean that you do not obtain the outcome you had hoped for.
Involving the Children
Divorces are hard on the children. By pulling them into the divorce or speaking poorly of your ex, you put them in the middle. It’s likely that they already are feeling caught between two worlds. This could have a lasting emotional impact on your children. This type of behavior can also have an adverse effect on your divorce when it comes to sorting out custody. Your Fairfax, VA divorce lawyer can help advise you so that you do not find yourself crossing boundaries with your children.
Not Advocating for Your Rights
A divorce can leave hard feelings. If you were the one who initiated the divorce process, you may feel badly for the other person. Some people will make agreements even though they may not have their own interests at the forefront. This will have an impact on you and the outcome of your divorce. A divorce lawyer Fairfax, VA residents recommend from May Law, LLP can help you find your voice and advocate for your rights.
Emotions Affecting Judgement
Ending a marriage can be an emotional process. Sometimes, they can get in the way of your judgment when making decisions and agreements with your ex. A Divorce Lawyer Fairfax, VA couples recommend from May Law, LLP can help guide you so that you do not make decisions that are solely based on emotion. Sometimes, without even realizing it, you can let your emotions get in the way of resolving your divorce.
Reaching a Conclusion
When a divorce drags on for a lengthy period of time, it can make it challenging to move on. Although divorce can seem like it will go on indefinitely, you will eventually reach a conclusion. We can help you get there. Divorce can take time before it is ultimately finalized. May Law, LLP is dedicated to efficiently seeing your case through to the end so that you can move on with your life.
Without a VA divorce lawyer in Fairfax to guide you through your divorce, you may be left feeling helpless throughout the entire process. It can be easy to make mistakes or missteps when you don’t have an attorney to represent you. May Law, LLP has over 20 years of experience in representing couples that have decided to file for divorce. We are just the firm to help you obtain the outcome you desire.
Essential Steps to Take Before a Divorce
Getting a divorce isn’t as easy as it may seem. Especially if you have a lot of assets or children who will be part of the mix, you want to really consider your options before heading into a divorce. If you’re certain it’s what you want to do, the following are five steps to be sure you take before filing papers.
Find a Great Attorney
Take your time interviewing attorneys so you find someone who will be best for you. You want an attorney who understands your situation, who will fight for what’s best for you and the kids, and who really understands your style. You should also seek a lawyer you can afford, but don’t settle for someone less expensive if you don’t feel you’ll get proper representation.
Start Collecting Documents
As your Fairfax Divorce Lawyer may tell you, the law likes proof. Start collecting documents as soon as you know you’re going to get a divorce. This includes financial records, mortgages, phone records, personal loan documents, car loans, medical records and anything else you’ll need during the divorce. If you feel your spouse won’t react well to the news you want a divorce, you should be sure you have access to all these documents before you inform him or her. That way, your spouse can’t make it difficult or impossible for you to find the information you need.
Complete Transactions
If you and your spouse are in the middle of trading in your car or selling a rental property, complete those transactions prior to filing for divorce. In many cases, you are prohibited from completing such transactions during the course of the divorce. This only pertains to legitimate sales and purchases. If you want to hurry and sell something so you can personally cash in before the divorce, it’s not going to look good for you.
Come Up With Goals
If you are able to do it by yourselves, come up with some goals about living arrangements, child custody and other important particulars. For example, do you plan to keep the house and have your spouse move out? Are you going to sell the house and move somewhere new? Will you have split custody, or will one of you have full custody? It may be best to do this with a lawyer or mediator present.
Create a Supportive Network
You’ll need people to support you throughout your divorce, whether it’s emotional support, childcare or other forms of assistance. Speak with those you love and trust to create a network of people you can turn to when you need them most.
Contact a Divorce Lawyer
Going through a divorce can be a stressful time, but you don’t have to do it on your own. Contact a Divorce Lawyer Fairfax, VA families rely on from May Law, LLP today to get the help you need.