Virginia Divorce Law Firm

Virginia Divorce Law Firm
Virginia Divorce Law Firm

Divorce can be a huge mess of rules, paperwork, legal terminology, and procedures, which is why people turn to our Virginia Divorce Law Firm May Law, LLP for assistance. Anyone who is going through a divorce is bound to become overwhelmed at one point or another, which is why it is so important to have an experienced legal team to help the process along.

Knowing that you have an attorney at our VA Divorce Law Firm looking out for your behalf can provide an immense feeling of relief. While every divorce is unique and the laws can vary based on the state you live in, there are general phases that tend to apply to most divorce cases.

Here we have answered questions pertaining to these steps:

How do I prepare to file for divorce?

Making the decision to file for divorce isn’t always easy. You may have been going back and forth in your mind for quite some time, or finally something happened where you know it’s over for good without any doubts. Before filing for divorce, it may be a good idea to:

  • Make copies of important documents (assets, debts, retirement accounts, life insurance, credit card statements, paycheck stubs, etc.)
  • Create a file with your social security card, medical information, passport, birth certificate, and other personal documents. 
  • Change passwords to your personal accounts (email, computer, social media)
  • Take an inventory of household items
  • If you share finances, consider opening a credit card just for yourself so you have emergency funds if needed

To officially file for divorce, you must file a petition for divorce at your local county clerk office. In this petition, you will have to provide factual details before a judge will consider the request. An attorney at our Divorce Law Firm in VA can help you complete this documentation if you have any questions. 

What happens after being served with divorce papers?

Only one spouse has to petition for divorce. After the initial paperwork is received and approved, the other spouse will be served a notice of the divorce request. The spouse then has 30 calendar days to respond. While waiting, your divorce lawyer in Fairfax, VA at May Law, LLP may suggest working on your financial disclosures as a way to prepare for the next stage in the divorce process. 

What information do I have to provide during financial disclosures?

Both spouses will have to provide their personal financial information, so they can negotiate over division of property, spousal support, debts, and more. Your attorney is likely to recommend being as forthcoming as you can and to not hide assets. If you aren’t transparent, it may only cause heated disputes and complications later on.

Here are examples of information you will probably have to provide: 

  • Paycheck stubs
  • Vehicle pink slips
  • Bank account statements
  • Life insurance policy statements
  • Real property deeds
  • Federal/state income tax returns
  • Retirement accounts
  • Credit card statements

Does my divorce settlement have to be established in court?

If each spouse can be civil, then mediation may be an alternative to attending court over disputes. In mediation, the spouses attempt to find resolutions regarding certain terms of the divorce that are currently not agreed upon. The mediator is a neutral party who doesn’t take sides, and instead simply acts as a guide to keep the conversation moving in an effective manner. 

If you need support during a divorce proceeding, then don’t hesitate to call May Law, LLP for a free consultation with an attorney at our Divorce Law Firm in Virginia.

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