Types of Criminal Charges You Can Face

Criminal Defense Lawyers

Criminal Defense LawyersIf you have been arrested for a criminal charge, it is important to get an experienced criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible. Criminal charges can be extremely complicated and there may be defenses available to you that you were not aware of. Additionally, there are ways in which a skilled lawyer can negotiate with the prosecutors to get your case reduced or dismissed. In some cases, prosecutors may offer a plea deal where the defendant agrees to plead guilty in exchange for a lesser charge or reduced sentence.  A skilled criminal defense lawyer from Tuttle Law, P.A. will be able to navigate the process more easily, identify possible defenses, and negotiate with prosecutors on your behalf.

The process of defending against criminal charges can be extremely difficult and complicated and most individuals do not have experience navigating the legal system on their own. This is why hiring an experienced lawyer is so important. 

Types of Criminal Charges

There are many different types of criminal charges that you could be arrested for. If you have been arrested for a crime, you need a criminal defense lawyer to represent you and help you defend yourself against the accusations. A lawyer can help protect your rights and advise you on what may happen if you are convicted. There are many different types of criminal charges, but the most common ones include:

Felony Charges

A felony is a more severe crime than a misdemeanor, which is considered less severe. Examples of felony offenses include murder, manslaughter, rape and arson. Crimes such as assault and battery may be charged as felonies or misdemeanors depending on the circumstances surrounding the case. Individuals convicted of felonies typically face years in jail or prison, thousands in fines or both.

Misdemeanor Charges

Crimes such as petty theft or vandalism are typically charged as misdemeanors and can result in up to 12 months in jail, a fine or both. Misdemeanor offenses are often charged under state law; however, some federal agencies have the authority to charge individuals with misdemeanors as well. A good example of this is the National Park Service’s authority to charge individuals with littering misdemeanors when littering occurs on national park property.

Theft Crime Charges

  • Assault—An assault charge typically occurs when someone is physically attacked or threatened with an attack. An assault charge can be either a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the seriousness of the crime.
  • Burglary—A burglary charge takes place when someone breaks into a residence or building and steals something from it. The severity of the charge will depend on whether there was anyone present in the building at the time of the burglary. If there was, it is considered a first-degree burglary and is more serious than second-degree burglary when no one was home.
  • DUI—DUI stands for driving under the influence and is charged when someone is found driving with a blood alcohol content above 0.08 percent. It is always illegal to drive drunk, regardless of your BAC level, but being over 0.08 makes it easier for you be arrested.

If you are facing criminal charges, contact an experienced criminal defense lawyer today. Your attorney will explain your options and begin building a defense on your behalf.


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