Child Custody Lawyer Arlington, VA
Your Dedicated Child Custody Attorneys
Legal versus physical custody? Sole versus joint custody? Custody versus visitation? Who pays child support? These questions are just the beginning when your child’s well-being is at stake, and our experienced Arlington, VA child custody lawyer can help you to address them. When you are part of a family disagreement over where a child should live and who may make the right decisions for that child, you need answers to these tough questions and many more. Before you miss an opportunity to help guide your child’s future, consult with our family law team at May Law, LLP today. Since 1995 we have been helping Virginia residents protect their finances, family, and freedom. See how we can make an impact on your case. Call our office now.
Custody, Visitation, and Child Support in Virginia
Family law can be complicated, but it becomes even more challenging when children are involved – so it is critical to consider your child custody matter from all angles.
When parents have children and the courts have not yet become involved, those parents have joint custody of their shared children. Since no court has been involved, no one questions that either parent may take care of or make decisions for that child. Each parent is responsible for the care and upbringing of the child and they have to work together to that end.
However, when a couple can no longer get along (for example, during a separation, divorce, or break up) child custody, visitation and child support become major issues. Where will the child reside? With whom will the child reside? Who will pay for the child’s expenses and medical care?
Our family lawyer will address all issues related to custody, visitation and support. A court order related to minors in custody disputes will dictate where the children need to be, and Virginia family laws puts the best interests of the child at the forefront. We have handled these kinds of cases and can help. Ultimately, what happens in court will have a lasting impact on your child’s future, so hiring an experienced attorney is essential.
There are two basic types of custody in Virginia.
Legal custody describes who has a say in the major life decision for the child, while physical custody refers to who physically has the children at a given point in time. Either type of custody may be split equally or unequally in some kind of joint or sole custody arrangement. If you are given a schedule of weekday or weekend time with the child, then you have visitation.
A final custody order addressing legal and physical custody and visitation can be worked out through a contested court hearing with witnesses and evidence, or it can be worked out through skillful negotiation and compromise. Our family attorney is comfortable in either situation.
If the only option is litigation, our child custody attorney will demonstrate to the judge why awarding custody to his client is in the best interests of the child. If, on the other hand, the mother and father can work together to settle the case, e will negotiate the best possible terms for our client so that the case stays out of court and is able to move forward in the child’s best interest.
When it comes to child support, Virginia law says that both parents have a duty for the maintenance of their children. So even if you don’t have custody or visitation, you are likely going to be obligated to pay sums to support the child. In addition, if you are the parent who has custody, you may need financial assistance from the other parent to pay for the needs of that child. That parent may not want to pay, especially if he or she believes that the custody/visitation situation is unjust. In either case, our Arlington, VA child custody lawyer who understands the interplay between custody and child support issues will help you to address these matters.
Factors That Can Impact Which Parent Is Awarded Custody
Parents who separated from their partner whom they have shared children with, may do whatever they can to show they are the most fit parent to be awarded custody. In preparation for such an important hearing, a parent may consult with a legal professional for guidance. This can be a strategic move, since lawyers who are experienced in family law are often incredibly knowledgeable about state laws, and can offer insight into how the entire process may go. Keep in mind that the court doesn’t care so much for parents pitting one against the other, but are instead concerned about what is going to be in the best interest of the child.
Here we have listed the top four factors that can impact which parent receives custody of the child or children. Parents who have questions about the factors provided below, may want to chat with our family law attorney.
Parent-Child Dynamics
In general, the court aims to pair the child with the parent he or she has the most significant and positive bond with. A judge may ask the parents questions to determine who the child is attached to the most, such as what their child’s favorite television show is, favorite place to visit, current hobbies, and other interests. Additionally, a judge may inquire about daily routines such as whether meals or made at home or the child eats out frequently, who usually tucks the child into bed at night, and who is most involved in education.
The Child’s Preference
A judge may ask the child about who he or she prefers to live with during the court hearing. The judge may meet with the child privately to have this conversation, since it can be stressful for the child to choose and for parents to hear the answer. Family court judges try to take into consideration the child’s preferences. The older the child or teenager, the more weight his or her opinion is going to be in the final outcome.
The Parent’s Health
The health of each parent becomes a huge influencing factor in child custody decisions, particularly if one parent has become mentally, emotionally, or physically unwell. The condition may hinder the parent’s ability to provide for the child’s wellbeing. A parent with mental health issues aren’t disqualified automatically, but the judge will consider whether the ailment can impact the parent’s capacity to providing love, support, and needs of the child.
The Parent’s Financial Income
Employment is a major factor in child custody arrangements, because the child needs food, proper shelter, clothing, hobbies, healthcare, and stability. The judge may ask both parents whether they have work benefits, their total commute time, location of employment, if they are part-time or full time, and income level. Simply earning more doesn’t make one parent more suitable over the other. In fact, a parent that spends most of his or her time at work and thus has less time to dedicate towards being with the child, may not be considered for custody.
Tips for Sharing Custody of Your Child
Sorting out child custody battles can be tedious and emotionally charged without the help of our child custody lawyers. When two people make the decision to have a child together, they will forever be connected. For some, this can be incredibly difficult, especially considering the person you share a child with may be someone you’d rather not see again. When both parents are involved in the care of the child they share, they should still continue to take on an active role in the child’s life, despite no longer being in a relationship. Our family law team at May Law, LLP in Arlington, VA is well aware that this can be far easier said than done. It can be difficult to let go of the fact that your child will be spending much of their time without you. Here are some tips that may be helpful when sharing custody of your child:
- Keep the Peace
Coming to a child custody agreement with your child’s parent can be emotionally heated. At times, you may be left feeling incredibly frustrated with your ex, especially if they are being unreasonable. Not only is it important for the both of you to work together for the benefit of your child, but it is also imperative. Keeping the peace will not only need to happen during this very delicate time, it will need to carry on throughout the raising of your child. Disagreements are a normal part of sharing custody, do your best to settle them away from your child and as amicably as possible.
- Don’t Talk Poorly About Your Child’s Parent
Battling it out in court following a divorce and subsequent child custody arrangements can leave a parent feeling emotionally damaged, even if they had the help of a good attorney. Talking to your child about your divorce or their other parent in a negative way can make matters worse. Not only will this be difficult for them to work through, it can leave them confused over which parent they should be loyal to. The last thing any divorced parent should do is make a child feel as though they must choose one parent over another. In order for your child to thrive, it’s important that you put your negative feelings of their parent aside.
- Keep Your Child’s Needs at the Forefront
Your child is the most important thing in your world. It’s likely that they caused you the most worry when you and your ex made the decision to part ways. Remember how difficult this process is for you? It’s likely to be even more difficult for your child. Not only may they have to live in two places, they will have to contend with the fact that their parents will no longer be together. It’s important to realize that there will be an adjustment period. Because of this, a parent’s responsibility is to put their child’s needs first for the long haul.
- Come Up with a Realistic Agreement
Make sure that when you are drawing up your co-parenting plan, you and your ex come up with something that is not only reasonable, but realistic for your children. Coming up with something that is overly complicated, or taxing for your child can be a set up from the start. Our custody lawyer can advise you regarding key considerations to make during the process and help to make sure that you do not agree to something that is unrealistic.
With many years of experience under our belts, the office of May Law, LLP has the dedication you need to help endure the legal process. When it comes to matters of child custody, there will be much to sort out. Do not delay in connecting with a member of our legal team so that our trusted Arlington child custody lawyer may begin working for you.
Arlington Child Custody Infographic
Changing a Child Custody Order
Sometimes it becomes necessary to change a custody order. If you and your child’s other parent share legal custody, problems can arise when making decisions. Sometimes it is in your child’s best interest for only one parent to have legal custody. In this situation, you would need to request a modification of your child custody order. The court will always look at what is in the best interest of your child. To prove that you should have sole legal custody, you’ll have to present evidence showing why.
This is why it’s important to speak with our trusted family law attorney. We have the experience you need to help you determine how to proceed with a child custody modification.
If you are unhappy with the outcome of a child custody dispute, it is important to understand that you may have options. Whether it is in your best interest and your child’s best interest to exercise those options now (as opposed to down the road) will depend on the unique circumstances of your situation. Once you speak with some of the best child custody lawyers in Arlington, Virginia about your situation, you will be able to have your questions answered. At that time, you will be able to make an informed decision about the best course of action moving forward.
Considerations For Appealing a Child Custody Determination
The distinction between an appeal and a modification is an important one. An appeal generally occurs in the immediate aftermath of a custody battle that has been legally decided. In order to appeal a child custody ruling, you and your attorney must generally be able to prove that the judge overseeing the case made a mistake of some kind or that new materially important information has come to light that – if it had been known before the case was decided – would have been likely to have affected the outcome. Our child custody lawyers in Arlington, VA will be able to clarify if you have sufficient grounds to appeal your ruling outright.
If it is not possible and/or appropriate to appeal your child custody ruling, you and your attorney may wish to explore the possibility of modifying your existing order. Although there may be exceptions to these general rules, modifications tend to only be granted when either 1) parents agree to the terms of the modification and simply need a judge to approve the change; 2) a family and/or child has experienced significant changes in circumstance since the original order was put into place; and/or 3) the modification is in the child’s best interest and the request itself is unlikely to be considered a nuisance. Essentially, you can’t haul your child’s other parent back into court for a modification that isn’t necessary. He or she must either agree to the terms or something needs to have changed significantly enough that our attorney (and hopefully, the judge presiding over your case) believes that your situation warrants a legitimate modification.
Arlington Child Custody Statistics
Child custody cases are a significant aspect of family law in the United States. While exact national statistics are challenging to pinpoint, the U.S. Census Bureau reports that approximately 12.9 million custodial parents are responsible for 21.9 million children under 21.
If you are involved in a child custody situation, call our Arlington child custody attorney to protect your parental rights.
Child Custody FAQs
Our Arlington, VA child custody lawyer knows that child custody arrangements are often one of the most complicated and emotionally charged aspects of divorce or separation. Courts aim to prioritize the child’s best interests, but understanding the various types of custody can help parents better understand this process. If you have custody issues, call May Law, LLP to find out your legal options.
What Is Legal Custody?
Legal custody refers to a parent’s authority to make important decisions about their child’s upbringing and welfare. This includes choices related to education, healthcare, religion, and extracurricular activities. Legal custody can be awarded in two ways:
- Sole legal custody: One parent has the exclusive right to make significant decisions for the child. This is often granted when the other parent is deemed unfit or uninvolved.
- Joint legal custody: Both parents share the responsibility of making decisions, requiring collaboration and communication. Courts typically favor joint legal custody unless there is evidence of conflict or abuse.
Legal custody does not determine where the child lives but rather who has the right to make critical life decisions on their behalf.
What Is Physical Custody?
Physical custody refers to where the child lives and which parent is responsible for their day-to-day care. Like legal custody, physical custody can be sole or joint:
- Sole physical custody: The child resides primarily with one parent, while the other may have visitation rights. This arrangement is common when one parent is better equipped to provide a stable living environment.
- Joint physical custody: The child splits time between both parents’ homes. This does not always mean a 50/50 split but rather an arrangement that provides significant time with each parent.
Joint physical custody works best when parents live relatively close to each other to minimize disruption to the child’s routine, such as attending school or maintaining friendships.
What Is Sole Custody?
Sole custody combines sole legal and physical custody, meaning one parent has full decision-making authority and the child lives exclusively with them. The other parent may still have visitation rights, but they typically do not have the authority to make major decisions about the child’s life.
Sole custody is usually awarded in cases where:
- One parent is deemed unfit due to issues such as substance abuse, neglect, or domestic violence.
- The non-custodial parent has shown a lack of involvement in the child’s life.
- The court determines that shared custody would not be in the child’s best interest.
While sole custody provides stability for the child, it can also limit the non-custodial parent’s involvement, potentially impacting the parent-child relationship.
What Is Joint Custody?
Joint custody is a popular arrangement that allows both parents to remain actively involved in their child’s life. It can include joint legal custody, joint physical custody, or both. Courts often favor joint custody when both parents can cooperate and have the child’s best interests at heart.
- Joint legal custody: Both parents share decision-making authority, requiring mutual agreement on major issues affecting the child.
- Joint physical custody: The child spends significant time with both parents, fostering relationships with both sides.
Joint custody requires effective communication and cooperation between parents. In some cases, a detailed parenting plan is created to address potential conflicts, such as holiday schedules, transportation, and dispute resolution methods.
Arlington Child Custody Glossary
We understand that child custody matters can be deeply emotional and challenging. If you’re facing a child custody case in Arlington, VA, our attorneys are here to provide you with the knowledge and representation needed to move forward confidently. Below are common terms you may encounter when addressing custody and related family law issues.
Legal Custody
Legal custody refers to the authority to make significant decisions regarding a child’s upbringing. This includes choices about education, healthcare, religious practices, and other major aspects of the child’s life. Legal custody may be shared by both parents (joint legal custody) or granted to one parent alone (sole legal custody). We’ve worked with clients in both situations, helping parents collaborate when possible and advocating for sole legal custody when it’s necessary to protect the child’s well-being.
Physical Custody
Physical custody determines where a child lives and which parent handles their daily care and supervision. Physical custody can also be shared (joint physical custody) or awarded to one parent (sole physical custody). For example, we’ve helped families create schedules that allow children to maintain meaningful relationships with both parents, even in challenging circumstances. Whether you’re seeking primary custody or shared time, we’ll work to achieve an arrangement that fits your child’s needs.
Visitation Rights
Visitation rights apply to the non-custodial parent’s scheduled time with their child. These arrangements may be structured, with specific days and times, or more flexible, depending on the family’s circumstances. For instance, a parent who lives in another state might have extended visitation during school vacations, while a local parent might have weekly visits. At May Law, LLP, we work to make sure that visitation schedules prioritize the child’s well-being while respecting both parents’ roles.
Best Interests of the Child
The best interests of the child standard guides custody and visitation decisions in Virginia. Courts consider factors such as the child’s emotional and physical needs, the parent-child relationship, and the ability of each parent to provide a stable environment. We’ve seen how this principle shapes outcomes in custody cases, and we focus on presenting evidence and arguments that show why our clients’ proposed arrangements are best for their children.
Child Support
Child support is a financial obligation designed to provide for a child’s needs, such as housing, food, education, and healthcare. The non-custodial parent typically pays child support to the custodial parent, with amounts calculated based on each parent’s income and the child’s needs. Disputes over child support can be stressful, but we’ve helped many clients resolve these issues through mediation or court intervention, ensuring fair and adequate support for the child.
Since 1995, May Law, LLP has been committed to helping families in Arlington, VA, and throughout Northern Virginia address their legal challenges. If you’re dealing with a child custody matter, our team is ready to provide you with dedicated support and guidance. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn how we can help you protect your rights and your child’s future.
May Law, LLP, Arlington Child Custody Lawyer
3033 Wilson Blvd, Arlington, VA 22201
Contact Our Arlington Child Custody Lawyer Today
For many years, we have helped clients just like you through some of their most challenging personal situations. You deserve a family law lawyer you can trust. If you have questions about child custody matters or are appealing a child custody ruling, please do not hesitate to connect with some of the best child custody lawyers in Arlington, VA. Similarly, if you are interested in exploring the option of modifying an existing child custody order, please schedule a consultation as soon as you can. These conversations will not obligate you to take legal action. Instead, they will simply empower you to make informed decisions about your situation once you have received experienced guidance, support and answers to any questions you may have about your situation and legal options. Our firm has extensive experience in regards to child custody battles and would be happy to assist you at your convenience.
When we meet with you, we evaluate your case and personal situation and we help you find a path forward that is best for you and your child. Sometimes that path includes modifying your child custody order. Until you have a modification in place, it’s best to comply with the existing order. Don’t start making decisions on your child’s behalf without consulting your child’s other parent if you share legal custody.
Contact us today to meet with our skilled and compassionate team of family law lawyers who can help you move forward. We look forward to working with you.
Client Review
"Amelia was so responsive to my concerns and needs. She did not waste any time providing me with the assistance I needed. Not only was she knowledgeable and able to provide me with advice, she was personable, friendly, and sensitive to my concerns. I highly recommend May Law, LLP to anyone in need of a lawyer!" Megan Girvin