Misdemeanor Lawyer Arlington, VA

Experienced Legal Defense When Facing a Misdemeanor Charge

Have you been charged with a misdemeanor offense in Virginia? Contact our Arlington, VA misdemeanor lawyer immediately. Depending on the class of misdemeanor you were charged with, you may be facing up to a $2,500 fine or a 12-month jail sentence. Virginia takes criminal offenses very seriously, even misdemeanors! Don’t procrastinate. Our skilled misdemeanor attorney will help you defend your rights and freedom.

In Virginia, a misdemeanor is an offense punishable by fine not exceeding $2,500, or a term not exceeding 12 months in jail, or a combination of jail and fine within these limits. Upon conviction, a criminal record follows. In Virginia, misdemeanors are classified as Class 1, 2, 3, or 4. Our team understands the best way to defend these kinds of charges and will help you in a difficult situation. Contact May Law, LLP today.

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    Understanding Misdemeanor Charges in Virginia

    Our misdemeanor attorney knows that a Class 1 misdemeanor is the most serious misdemeanor in Virginia. It is punishable by up to 12 months in jail, a fine up to $2,500, or both. Both traffic and criminal offenses can be a Class 1 misdemeanor. Examples are assault & battery, domestic violence, petit larceny, reckless driving, and DWI. If you were charged with any of these crimes, call us now for a free consultation.

    A Class 2 misdemeanor is less serious than Class 1, but it is still very serious. A Class 2 misdemeanor is punishable by up to 6 months in jail, a fine up to $1,000, or both. Examples are possession of a schedule IV controlled substance, possession of drug paraphernalia, and aggressive driving. Our defense lawyer will defend you against these charges and fight for the best possible outcome.

    Class 3 misdemeanors, while still serious, do not involve jail time. For example, a Class 3 misdemeanor is punishable by a fine up to $500, but no jail time. Possession of a schedule V controlled substance is a Class 3 misdemeanor in Virginia. Similarly, Class 4 misdemeanors also do not involve jail time. A Class 4 misdemeanor is punishable by a fine up to $250, but no jail time. Examples include public intoxication and possession of a schedule VI controlled substance.

    Even if you are only charged with a Class 3 or 4 misdemeanor, you should still contact our lawyer as soon as possible. Why? Because even though a conviction might involve only a fine, this conviction will stay on your criminal record indefinitely. You may have to disclose it to potential employers, on security clearance applications, or to other individuals. It is always better to keep any misdemeanor conviction off your record if at all possible, and our experienced Arlington misdemeanor lawyer will put you in the best possible position to defend against such charges and seek an acquittal.

    Or, if acquittal is not likely, we may be able to negotiate a resolution of your case that would not involve a criminal conviction—for example, perhaps negotiating some kind of community service or other court disposition that will not impact your permanent criminal record. Every case is different, so there are no guarantees—but our criminal defense law firm may be the best chance you have for a good result.

    If you were charged with a misdemeanor, you should take it very seriously! A criminal conviction could have lifelong consequences. Our misdemeanor lawyers will meet with you for free with no further obligations. Call us now at (703) 312-0410 for a free consultation.

    Using Self-Defense as a Defense

    Depending on the crime you are charged with, our Arlington, VA misdemeanor lawyer may determine that you were defending yourself. The definition of self-defense is the right to stop someone from harming you by applying an adequate amount of counter-force. Sounds pretty basic; however, when applied to specific situations the meaning can become a bit cloudy.

    For example, if you are defending yourself from being physically harmed, what amount of force is considered appropriate and legal? What if you were the one to initiate the attack? At what point should you retreat from the attack if you can? What if there is a perceived threat and you respond even if you were never attacked?

    The rules may differ depending upon the jurisdiction. When presenting a self-defense claim when you are being tried for a criminal offense the court will address the following questions:

    If the Threat Was Imminent

    If you are defending yourself by using force because you are currently being threatened, even it the threat is verbal, the self-defense claim could be justified. This is also true if you are verbally threatened with physical harm. However, if someone just uses words that offend you and do not threaten you with physical harm, it does not give you the right to harm them and then claim you were acting in self-defense.

    There is a difference between self-defense and retaliation. If you are assaulted and then your assaulter leaves and the threat is no longer valid, it is not considered self-defense if you then go after your assaulter and harm them.

    If Your Fear of Being Harmed Was Valid

    The court uses the concept of a ‘reasonable person’ when determining whether or not the fear of being harm was justified.  Would a ‘reasonable person’ react in the same manner in the same situation. It’s not a perfect analogy and is subjective based on the particular situation, but it is a good yardstick for the court to use when judging how the ‘average’ person perceives an imminent threat and their reaction to that threat.

    Imperfect Self-Defense

    Imperfect self-defense is when someone perceives a threat that was not really a threat and harms the person they feel is a danger to them. If you were to start an altercation and the other person fights back, you then fear for your life and unintentionally kill the other person in an attempt to protect yourself, you may be able to claim self-defense. This will not get you off for killing the other party; however, you may get less of a sentence because of the circumstances.

    Arlington Misdemeanor Infographic

    Some Examples of Felony

    Arlington Misdemeanor Statistics

    Misdemeanors constitute a significant portion of the U.S. criminal justice system. Estimates suggest that approximately 13 million misdemeanor cases are filed annually in state courts.

    While not all result in convictions, this figure underscores the prevalence of misdemeanor offenses. Misdemeanors, which are criminal offenses punishable by no more than one year in jail or prison, account for about 80 percent of American criminal dockets.

    If you have been charged with a misdemeanor, you could still face jail time if convicted, depending on the circumstances of the case. Call our Arlington misdemeanor lawyer for legal help.

    Misdemeanor FAQs

    If you have been charged with a crime, it’s important to speak with our Arlington, VA misdemeanor attorney because even a misdemeanor charge can result in jail time if you are found guilty. Call May Law, LLP today to find out how we can help.

    What Are Misdemeanor Crimes?

    Misdemeanors are criminal offenses that are less serious than felonies but still carry legal penalties. These crimes are typically punishable by fines, probation, community service, or a short-term jail sentence, usually less than a year. The specific punishment is up the judge and depends on the severity of the crime, state laws, and any prior criminal history. Misdemeanors can be classified into three general categories: Class A, B, and C, with Class A being the most serious. Common examples of misdemeanor cases include theft, assault, vandalism, and drug possession.

    What Are Some Common Types of Misdemeanor Crimes?

    Several types of misdemeanor crimes are commonly committed. 

    Theft is the unlawful taking of someone else’s property with the intent to permanently deprive them of it. Shoplifting, a specific type of theft, occurs when someone steals merchandise from a retail store. Misdemeanor theft offenses usually involve items of lower value, with penalties including fines, restitution, or short-term jail sentences. In some cases, the value of the stolen property can elevate the crime to a felony.

    Misdemeanor assault generally involves the intentional threat of violence or harm to another person, while battery involves actual physical contact. In simple assault or battery (as opposed to aggravated forms), the charges are often classified as misdemeanors. Penalties include jail time, probation, fines, or mandatory anger management counseling.

    Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a serious offense, but when it involves a first offense with low blood alcohol content (BAC), it may be classified as a misdemeanor. Convictions for DUI/DWI typically result in fines, license suspension, mandatory alcohol education classes, and, in some cases, jail time.

    Possessing illegal substances such as marijuana, cocaine, or prescription drugs without a valid prescription can result in misdemeanor charges, depending on the type and amount of the drug. First-time offenses or small quantities may lead to misdemeanor charges, with penalties ranging from fines and probation to short jail sentences. However, certain drug crimes or larger quantities may result in felony charges.

    How Are Misdemeanor Crimes Categorized?

    Misdemeanor crimes are usually classified by their severity into different categories. Each category corresponds to a level of punishment:

    • Class A Misdemeanors: These are the most serious types of misdemeanors. Offenses include theft of higher-value property, assault with minor injuries, or second-offense DUI/DWI. Convictions can result in a maximum jail sentence of up to one year, substantial fines, and other penalties, such as mandatory counseling or community service.
    • Class B Misdemeanors: These offenses are less severe than Class A misdemeanors but still carry significant consequences. Common examples include simple assault, first offense DUI/DWI, and petty theft. Depending on the offense, punishments may include up to six months in jail, fines, probation, or community service.
    • Class C Misdemeanors: These are the least serious misdemeanors and typically involve minor offenses such as disorderly conduct, minor traffic violations, or public intoxication. While Class C misdemeanors generally do not result in jail time, offenders may face fines, probation, or other alternative penalties like community service.

    Some states also have “infractions,” which are even less severe than Class C misdemeanors and typically involve non-criminal offenses like traffic tickets or littering.

    What Penalties Can Someone Face if Convicted of a Misdemeanor?

    The penalties for misdemeanor convictions vary depending on the severity of the crime, state laws, and other factors like prior criminal history. Penalties for misdemeanors can range from fines and counseling to jail time.

    A common punishment for serious misdemeanor crimes is jail time, though these sentences are usually less than one year. For example, a conviction for a Class A misdemeanor might result in up to 12 months in county jail, while a Class B misdemeanor might lead to six months or less. Probation is a common alternative to jail time, particularly for those convicted of less serious crimes or first-time offenders. During probation, the individual must comply with specific conditions, such as attending counseling, staying employed, or avoiding further legal trouble. Violating the terms of probation can result in harsher penalties.

    The court may impose a fine on the convicted individual in addition to or instead of jail time. Fines vary based on the offense, and some misdemeanants might be required to pay restitution to victims. For example, a shoplifter might have to pay a fine and compensate the store for the stolen goods.

     In many cases, convicted individuals are ordered to complete a set number of community service hours as part of their sentence. This is often used for less severe offenses or first-time offenders and serves as a way to give back to the community. For certain offenses, particularly those involving alcohol or anger management, the court may require the individual to attend counseling or rehabilitation programs. These programs are designed to help address underlying issues that contributed to the crime, such as substance abuse or emotional instability.

    Penalties for misdemeanor crimes aim to be proportionate to the offense. However, they can still have lasting consequences on an individual’s life, including a criminal record, which can affect future employment and other opportunities.

    What Should I Do if I Am Charged With a Crime or Arrested?

    If you are being arrested, it is important to remain cooperative with the police officers and not fight back. However, before answering any questions you should ask to speak with our defense lawyer first. If you try to talk yourself out of the arrest or resist the officers, you could be making things much worse for yourself.  It is important to work with our legal professional who specializes in criminal law because the choices you make at the beginning of your case will have an impact on the outcome. At May Law LLP, we specialize in criminal defense cases and can fight to protect your rights.

    What Is a Plea Bargain, and Should I Accept It?

    A plea bargain is when our attorney and the prosecution try to negotiate a resolution on your criminal case. It will depend on the circumstances, but a plea bargain may be the best legal option. You and our lawyer should carefully consider all of the options and examine the evidence before agreeing on a plea bargain. Our lawyer will advise if a deal is good and can help fight for your best possible outcome.

    What Is a Misdemeanor?

    A misdemeanor is when the crime you are being charged for has a maximum sentence of 1 year in the county jail. Our Arlington, VA misdemeanor lawyer from  is able to discuss your case and let you know if your case falls within this category.

    What Is a Felony?

    Felonies are much more severe than misdemeanors. They can lead to very long jail time and high fines. Some examples may include:

    Each case is different and the extent of punishment is addressed accordingly.

    Am I Able to Expunge My Record?

    Getting your arrest and conviction expunged is determined based on the crimes and offenses held against you. Not all records can be expunged. Having your record clean can help get your life back on track, and our attorneys can guide you through the legal steps of this process if your case qualifies.

    What Are My Rights After an Arrest?

    After an arrest, you still have legal rights that you should be aware of. Two of the main rights you have immediately after an arrest are the right to remain silent and the right to an attorney. If a police officer is trying to pressure you into talking, your rights are being violated. Providing statements to the police before consulting our attorney can become a costly mistake that you should try to avoid. You want to stay respectful to the officers but also know that you have a right to speak with our lawyer before answering any substantive questions.

    How Do I Choose the Right Misdemeanor Lawyer?

    Finding the right misdemeanor lawyers is absolutely critical when facing the possibility of fighting criminal charges. Your search for a criminal defense lawyer should include someone that:

    • Has extensive experience
    • Track record of successful results for their clients
    • An attorney that will devote time and energy into your case

    Since,1995, May Law LLP has worked diligently to help right for the rights of our clients. Contact our firm today to set up a free initial consultation with our criminal defense attorney and find out how we can help.

    Arlington, VA misdemeanor attorney

    Arlington Misdemeanor Glossary

    At May Law, LLP, we know how overwhelming a misdemeanor charge can be. Our experienced misdemeanor lawyers in Arlington, VA are here to help guide you through the process and protect your rights. Below, we’ve provided an overview of important legal terms you might encounter when dealing with misdemeanor charges.

    Class 1 Misdemeanor

    In Virginia, a Class 1 Misdemeanor is the most serious type of misdemeanor. It carries penalties of up to 12 months in jail, a fine of up to $2,500, or both. Common examples include reckless driving, petit larceny, domestic violence, and assault and battery. These charges can have a significant impact on your life, including a permanent criminal record. We’ve seen how even a single mistake can result in serious consequences, which is why we work closely with clients to provide strong defense strategies.

    Plea Bargain

    A plea bargain is a resolution between the defendant and the prosecutor. In this process, the defendant agrees to plead guilty to a lesser charge or accepts reduced penalties to avoid going to trial. While this option can be beneficial, it’s imperative to carefully weigh the consequences before making a decision. We often sit down with clients to analyze the terms of a plea deal, so that they fully understand the potential outcomes and whether the deal truly serves their best interests.


    An expungement can offer a second chance by removing a criminal charge from your record, making it inaccessible to the public. In Virginia, expungement is typically available for cases that were dismissed or resulted in a “not guilty” verdict. We’ve seen how life-changing an expungement can be for someone who wants to move forward without the weight of a past mistake. If your case qualifies, we’ll help you through the process to give you the clean slate you deserve.


    Self-defense is a legal defense used when someone acts to protect themselves from imminent harm. In Virginia, self-defense requires proving that the threat was immediate and that the response was proportional to the perceived danger. We’ve represented clients where this defense was pivotal, such as cases involving altercations where our client was protecting themselves from physical harm. Each case is unique, and we work to present clear evidence to justify your actions.

    Alternative Sentencing

    For less severe offenses, alternative sentencing options like probation, community service, or rehabilitation programs may be available. These options allow individuals to avoid jail time and focus on making amends. We often advocate for these outcomes, especially for first-time offenders or individuals facing minor charges, as they provide a path to accountability without incarceration. It’s rewarding to help clients pursue resolutions that preserve their futures.

    Every case deserves the attention of a dedicated and experienced legal team. At May Law, LLP, we’ve been serving Arlington and Northern Virginia since 1995, offering personalized and professional legal representation. If you’re facing a misdemeanor charge, don’t face it alone—contact us today to discuss your case and find out how we can help protect your rights and your future.

    May Law, LLP, Arlington Misdemeanor Lawyer

    3033 Wilson Blvd, Arlington, VA 22201

    Contact Our Arlington Misdemeanor Lawyer Today

    If you are facing misdemeanor charges in Virginia, it is essential to take immediate action to protect your rights and future. The potential consequences, including fines, jail time, and a permanent criminal record, can have long-lasting effects on various aspects of your life. Our experienced legal team at May Law, LLP is here to provide the guidance and support you need to mitigate these charges. Whether you’re seeking a potential acquittal or negotiating a favorable resolution, our skilled misdemeanor lawyers will work tirelessly to secure the best possible outcome for your case. With decades of criminal law and trial experience, you can be assured that your misdemeanor charges are being addressed with the highest quality defense. Contact us today for a free consultation and let us help you move forward with confidence.

    Client Review

    "Amelia was so responsive to my concerns and needs. She did not waste any time providing me with the assistance I needed. Not only was she knowledgeable and able to provide me with advice, she was personable, friendly, and sensitive to my concerns. I highly recommend May Law, LLP to anyone in need of a lawyer!" Megan Girvin Client Review
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