One of the most important factors in a drunk driving arrest is a person’s blood-alcohol content. In the vast majority of cases, the strongest evidence against a person will be that they were over the legal limit in Virginia, which is .08. One drink is approximately equivalent to .02, with the body metabolizing one drink per hour. If you are over this limit, you will need a drunk driving attorney to help fight the charges
Alimony is one of the most contentious issues a divorced couple faces. Often, one spouse resents having to give money to the other while the other spouse worries that there may be money or other assets hidden from the court. If you worry that you may be paying too much or worry that you may not be getting your fair share, contact an alimony adjustment attorney right away. The court sets the amount for alimony
When a person first comes to speak with a criminal defense attorney, they may be hesitant to discuss certain facts of their case. This is especially true for something delicate like a sex offense charge that is particularly embarrassing. It is important, however, for a person to be completely honest with their attorney, even if certain facts may be difficult for embarrassing. This way, they can provide the best advice possible about how to deal
When there is a dispute over the custody of a child, the court will always look at the “best interest of the child” in order to determine a custody arrangement. With such an important concept, many people want a uniform definition. Unfortunately, there is not a single definition for what is in the best interest of the child. Instead, it will be determined on a case-by-case basis. A child custody lawyer can advocate for your
When a person is signing a contract, they need to make sure that any and all promises or expectations are outlined in the contract. If guarantees or assurances are made outside of the contract, they essentially can’t be enforced. This is because any dispute will refer to the “four corners of the contract.” In other words, they will look at what specifically is written on the page. Before you sign any contract, it may be