
Robbery in Alexandria; Court Activity

On Febuary 17, we appeared in court to defend a young man on charges of Robbery at his Preliminary Hearing. This case was extraordinary because our client had no criminal record, attended a top school, and was a model citizen in every objective way.  The allegation was that he assaulted another man without provocation and stole his cell phone.  There was evidence that our client was highly intoxicated. To prove Robbery, the prosecutor must prove…

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Felony Possession of Cell Phone in Jail; Court Activity

On February 18, we appeared for a sentencing on the charge of Possession of a Cell Phone in Jail.  Our client had been convicted of the charge a few months ago after a full trial in the Augusta Circuit Court. Criminal sentencing — the punishment phase of a criminal trial — usually occurs a few months after a person is found guilty.  This is so because the probation office needs to prepare a presentence investigation

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Domestic Assault and Battery in Loudoun; Court Activity

We appeared in the Loudoun County Juvenile and Domestic Relations court today to defend a man charged with Domestic Assault and Battery.  Domestic Assault and Battery is the same thing as simple Assault and Battery with one difference — the alleged victim is a family or household member. An Assault and Battery, in a nutshell, is the slightest touching done in a rude, insulting, or vengeful manner.  The most common defense to Assault and Battery

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Fairfax DUI Procedure

What is Fairfax DUI procedure?  This week, we appeared in court to defend a client charged with DUI in the Fairfax General District Court.  Fairfax is an unusual court in Virginia, due to the size of the county, and its procedures are unique. In Fairfax, DUI cases involve two court appearances — the first is to obtain “discovery” — the police report and, usually, video of the arrest.  If the case can be resolved on

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Court Activity: Robbery Probation Violation

This week we appeared in court to help a client charged with a probation violation in the Prince William Circuit Court.  Approximately five years ago, with a different law firm, he had been convicted of Robbery.  He served a few years in prison and was released on probation. While on probation, it is alleged that he violated the terms of his probation by getting convicted of Possession of Marijuana and Possession of Paraphernalia.  Both are

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