Common Misconceptions About Getting Charged with a Crime - Monochrome closeup of handcuffed hands

Common Misconceptions About Getting Charged with a Crime

Criminal Defense Lawyer

There are few things more nerve-wracking than getting charged with a crime. You’re worried about the possibility of going to prison and how the charge may affect your future employment prospects. No matter what crime you were charged with, you have the right to defend yourself. It’s important to educate yourself about the criminal justice system so that you can distinguish fact from fiction.

Here are some common misconceptions about getting charged with a crime.

You’re Required to Talk to the Police

This is one of the most dangerous myths about the criminal justice system. Some defendants believe they are required by law to talk to the police about their cases. The truth is that you are under no obligation to share any information with the police. In fact, it’s in your best interest to say as little as possible to the police. Anything you say can be used against you. If the police ask to speak to you, politely tell them that you can’t talk to them without a lawyer.

The Police Can’t Lie to You

Believe it or not, this isn’t true. Police are responsible for solving crimes and may use unethical practices to do just that, including lying to defendants. For example, they might lie about evidence they found at the crime scene or promise to go easy on you if you confess. As such, you shouldn’t trust what the police tell you.

If You Don’t Have Prior Convictions, the Judge Will Be Lenient

Many people assume that if they have an otherwise clean record, the judge will go easy on them. While this may be true in some criminal cases, it’s not a guarantee. A judge may use several factors when determining sentencing, such as the type of crime committed and whether anyone was physically injured. Never assume that a judge will be lenient just because you don’t have prior convictions.

Evidence Can’t Be Used if Police Didn’t Obtain a Search Warrant

Many times, police must go before a judge to obtain a search warrant. They must demonstrate that they have probable cause that someone committed a crime. However, there are always exceptions. For example, if a police officer pulls you over a traffic violation and sees illegal drugs on your dashboard, he or she has the right to search your vehicle.

If you’re facing criminal charges, contact a criminal defense lawyer, like one from May Law LLP.

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