
Employment Law Update

Fired for Facebook? Terminated for Tweeting? One of May Law’s most robust practice areas is employment law, serving both employers and employees, whether in government or in the private workforce. As with any client, we thoughtfully advise those seeking employment counsel based on the law, company rules, what the client has said or done to allegedly violate those rules, and what they should NOT do as we proceed in protecting their interests… So as an…

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Beat laser in a Virginia Reckless Driving case — possible?

You can beat laser in a Virginia Reckless case if the charge is by a Metropolitian Airports Authority police officer.  (“Laser” is a speed detective device more accurately called “LIDAR”). I have recently represented numerous people charged with Reckless Driving by Speed on the Dulles Toll Road.  To win, one must beat laser.  The Dulles Toll Road is owned and operated by a the Washington Metropolitan Airports Authority (“MWAA”).  Pursuant to a compact (an agreement

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Supreme Court of Virginia Oral Argument

The highlight of many Viginia lawyer’s careers is an argument before the Supreme Court of Virginia.  Many ask me, what is it like?  Here is the basic procedure for writ panels, which is usually the first step in an appeal to the high court. After a Notice of Appeal and Petition for Appeal have been filed and briefed, the Court assigns a court date without consultation with the attorneys — it presumes that a lawyer

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Frivolous Business Lawsuits Slapped Down by Supreme Court

Imagine being sued by a person for a technical violation of law by someone who suffered no injury but who sued you anyway . . . because he could (and because his lawyer would earn a handsome fee).  Believe it or not, this happens all the time.  Congress has passed a number of complex laws that carry statutory penalties — many of which also carry attorney’s fees.  If one runs afoul of one of these

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DUI Sobriety Checkpoint in Arlington

The Arlington County Police have announced a sobriety checkpoint in Arlington on March 4, 2016.  Also, called a DUI roadblock, this is a part of the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s national crackdown on drunk driving. The way a checkpoint works is that the police set up an area with cones, signs, and lighting to funnel cars through.  They stop all vehicles and ask for licenses.  During this time, they can

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