
How do I collect a small debt in Virginia?

Question:  I loaned an ex-friend $800 two years ago and she hasn’t paid back a penny. What process do I go about getting my money? Answer:  Unfortunately, it is time consuming and expensive to collect a small debt. First, one must file and serve a Warrant in Debt. Second, he must appear in court for either the civil return date, the trial date, or both. Third, if one successfully proves that he is owed the…

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Is an employee’s salary “confidential information” that a company can require to be kept secret?

Generally no, with some notable exceptions.  Under the National Labor Relations Act, employees’ discussion of wages with one another is considered a “concerted activity” that cannot be prohibited under the Act.   Additionally, the U.S. Department of Labor recently issued regulations implementing Executive Order 13665, which requires “pay transparency” by federal government contractors.  This order generally prohibits contractors from disciplining or firing an employee for asking about wages or sharing wage rate or salary information with

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More Traffic Cameras in Arlington!

Cameras, cameras everywhere! First, traffic cameras were used to enforce traffic light laws. Next, traffic cameras were used to enforce speeding laws. Now, cameras are being attached to Arlington school buses to help enforce laws banning the passing of a stopped school bus.  More traffic cameras in Arlington . . . Arlington is often on the vanguard of using video technology to enforce traffic laws, such as Reckless Driving, Speeding, and now Passing a School

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Employee Fired After Complaints; Potential for Wrongful Termination Lawsuit

An employee complains of several inappropriate and insulting comments in the office. A few days later, the company decides to fire the employee for poor performance. Can the employee sue? Yes, under these facts the employee can likely sue for retaliation based on a recent decision by the 4th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals, the federal circuit which covers Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, and North and South Carolina.  In the decision, the en banc court

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DUI Sobriety Checkpoint in Arlington and Fairfax

One should never drink and drive because the punishments are severe and it is dangerous.  The mandatory minimum punishment is a 12 month loss of license (with limited driving for work with ignition interlock), a $250 file plus court costs, and alcohol education classes and treatment.  Many cases result in jail time — even for a first offense.  It is not worth it! Arlington and Fairfax will be conducting a DUI sobriety checkpoint or roadblock

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