
Court Activity: What is Felony DUI in Virginia?

This week, we had a client in the Fairfax Court charged with felony DUI.  Many people ask us, “what is felony DUI in Virginia?”  “DUI” and “DWI” are the same thing in Virginia.  They are shorthand for the crime of driving a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Felony DUI is charged when one is under the influence when one is also involved in a collision wherein another dies.  It is…

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When Police are Charged with a Crime, What Lawyers in Virginia Do they Use?

No one is above the law — even police officers.  When police are charged with a crime, what lawyers in Virginia do they use? The current news contains examples of police officers charged with crimes based on conduct while on the job, such as unlawful shootings. However, police officers are like the rest of us.  They can have errors of judgment, out of control emotions — or be subject to misunderstandings where they are accused

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Court Activity: Restraining Orders in Virginia

“Restraining Orders” in Virginia are called “Protective Orders.” Many people think that one can obtain a restraining order against another simply because a person is “bothering” him or her. However, Virginia Protective Orders are not so broad. They are designed to protect someone from another who has made a threat of force or violence. Once issued and served, if the target makes a future contact with the complaining witness, it is a crime. Today, May

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Court Activity: Supreme Court of Virginia Filing

On January 14, we finished a brief to the Supreme Court of Virginia.  Arguing cases in the highest court of the state is always a time to do one’s best, and it gets started with the initial briefing. Our client is a nationwide company who was being taxed locally on business property that it doesn’t believe should be taxed under Virginia law.  (Virginia’s counties and cities tax businesses based on the value personal property located

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Court Activity: Domestic Assault Surprises

On January 11, our client was in the Loudoun County Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court on charges of Domestic Assault and Battery.  (“Domestic Assault” is, in a nutshell, the crime of fighting between family or household members). We had two surprises.  First, it turned out that the prosecutor had once done business with our client.  While the prosecutor didn’t initially recall the business dealing, our client did.  The prosecutor had to drop off the case.

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